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Now downloading free:LTC-4669JR LTC-4669JR loucozener

LTC-4669JR LTC-4669JR loucozener free download

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Model:LTC-4669JR loucozener 🔎
Original:LTC-4669JR 🔎
Descr:LTC-4669JR led display Loucozener
Group:Electronics > Components > Diodes
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LITE-ON TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Property of Lite-On Only FEATURES 0.47inch (12.0mm) DIGIT HEIGHT. CONTINUOUS UNIFORM SEGMENTS. LOW POWER REQUIREMENT. EXCELLENT CHARACTERS APPEARANCE. HIGH BRIGHTNESS & HIGH CONTRAST. WIDE VIEWING ANGLE. SOLID STATE RELIABILITY. CATEGORIZED FOR LUMINOUS INTENSITY. DESCRIPTION The LTC-4669JR is a 0.47 inch (12.0 mm) digit height quadruple digit seven-segment display. This device utilizes AlInGaP super red LED chips, which are made from AlInGaP on a non-transparent GaAs substrate, and has a gray face and white segments. DEVICE PART NO. AlInGaP Super Red LTC-4669JR DESCRIPTION Multiplex Common Anode Rt. Hand Decimal PART NO.: LTC-4669JR BNS-OD-C131/A4 Downloaded from - datasheet search engine PAGE: 1 of 5 LITE-ON TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Property of Lite-On Only PACKAGE DIMENSIONS NOTES: All dimensions are in millimeters. Tolerances areħ 0.25 mm (0.01") unless otherwise noted. INTERNAL CIRCUIT DIAGRAM PART NO.: LTC-4669JR BNS-OD-C131/A4 Downloaded from - datasheet search engine PAGE: 2 of 5 LITE-ON TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Property of Lite-On Only PIN CONNECTION NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 CONNECTION COMMON ANODE DIGIT 1,L1,L2,L3,L4 COMMON ANODE DIGIT 2 COMMON ANODE DIGIT 3 COMMON ANODE DIGIT 4 CATHODE E,L3 CATHODE A,L1 CATHODE L5,L6,L7 CATHODE B CATHODE F,L4 CATHODE G CATHODE C CATHODE D,L2 PART NO.: LTC-4669JR BNS-OD-C131/A4 Downloaded from - datasheet search engine PAGE: 3 of 5 LITE-ON TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Property of Lite-On Only ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATING AT Ta=25oC PARAMETER Power Dissipation Per Segment Peak Forward Current Per Segment ( 1/10 Duty Cycle, 0.1ms Pulse Width ) Continuous Forward Current Per Segment Derating Linear From 25 Per Segment Reverse Voltage Per Segment Operating Temperature Range MAXIMUM RATING 70 90 25 0.33 5 -35 to +85 UNIT mW mA mA mA/ V -35 to +85 Storage Temperature Range Solder Temperature: max 260 for max 3sec at 1.6mm below seating plane. ELECTRICAL / OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS AT Ta=25oC PARAMETER Average Luminous Intensity Peak Emission Wavelength Spectral Line Half-Width Dominant Wavelength Forward Voltage Per Segment Reverse Current Per Segment Luminous Intensity Matching Ratio SYMBOL MIN. TYP. MAX. UNIT TEST CONDITION IV p d VF IR IV-m 320 700 639 20 631 2.0 2.6 100 2:1 µcd nm nm nm V µA IF=1mA IF=20mA IF=20mA IF=20mA IF=20mA VR=5V IF=1mA Note: Luminous intensity is measured with a light sensor and filter combination that approximates the CIE (Commision Internationale De L'Eclairage) eye-response curve. PART NO.: LTC-4669JR BNS-OD-C131/A4 Downloaded from - datasheet search engine PAGE: 4 of 5 LITE-ON TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Property of Lite-On Only TYPICAL ELECTRICAL / OPTICAL CHARACTERISTIC CURVES (25oC Ambient Temperature Unless Otherwise Noted) PART NO.: LTC-4669JR BNS-OD-C131/A4 Downloaded from - datasheet search engine PAGE: 5 of 5

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