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Yokogawa Model 2426 free download

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File name IM2426A Digital Insulation Tester - IM booklet.pdf

YOKOGAWA Instruction Manual 2426A Digital Insulation Tester YOKOGAWA ELECTRIC CORPORATION Headquarters 9-32, Nakacho 2-chome, Musashino-shi, Tokyo, 180 JAPAN Telex : 02822-327 YEW MT J Measuring Instruments Sates Dept. Shinjuku Nomura Bldg. 1-26-2 Nishi Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 163-05 JAPAN Phone : 03-3349-1015 Fax : 03-3349-1017 Branch Sales Offices Nagoya, Osaka, Okayama, Fukuoka, Sapporo, Sendai, Ichihara, Kanazawa, Toyoda, Kobe, Hiroshima, Takamatsu and Kitakyusyu. Overseas Representative Office / Service Centers Beijing, Shanghai (The People's Republic of China) YOKOGAWA ELECTRIC ASIA PTE. LTD. 11 Tampines Street 92, Singapore 1852, SINGAPORE Phone : 65-783-9537 Fax 65-786-6650 Telex : R587-26137 YASSIN YOKOGAWA ELECTRICA DO BRASIL IND, E COM. LTDA. Praca Acapulco, No.3.1 Parque Industrial Jurubatuba, CEP 04675 Santo Amaro-Sao Paulo, SP BRAZIL Phone : 55-11-548-2666 Telex : 38-1157755 YOKO BR Fax : 55-11-522-5231 YOKOGAWA MEASURING INSTRUMENTS KOREA CORPORATION (City Air Terminal Bldg. 407/408) 159-6 Samsung-Dong , Kangnam-ku, Seoul, KOREA Phone : 82-2-551-0660 to -0664 Fax : 82-2-551-0665 Thank you for purchasing the YOKOGAWA 2426A Digital Insulation Tester. To optimize all the functios of the instrument, please read this manual thoroughly before operating it. YOKOGAWA CORPORATION OF AMERICA Headquarters 2 Dart Road, Newnan, Ga. 30265-1094, U.S.A. Phone : 1-404-253-7000 Fax : 1-404-251-2088 Branch Sales Offices / Santa Fe Springs, Mentor, Murrietta, Houston, San Jose, Chagrin Falls, Elk Grove Village, Cypress, Hope Valley YOKOGAWA AUSTRAUA PTY. LTD. Head Office Private mail bag 24, Centre Court D3, 25-27 Paul Street North. North Ryde, N.S.W.2113, AUSTRALIA Phone : 61-2-805-0699 Fax : 61-2-888, 1844 YOKOGAWA EUROPE B. V. Headquarters Radiumweg 30, 3812 RA, Amersfoort, THE NETHERLANDS Phone : 31-33-641611 Fax : 31-33-631202 Disk No. BA01 1st Edition: September 1994 (YG) All Rights Reserved, Copyright 1994, Yokogawa Electric Corporation · IM I YOKOGAWA BLUE STAR LTD. Headquarters 40 / 4 Lavelle Road Bangalore 560 001, INDIA Phone : 91-812-211513 Fax 91-812-214270 Telex : 81-8458702 YKCO IN Branch Sales Offices / Maarssen (Netherlands), Graz (Austria), Antwerpen (Belgium), Bus (France), Herrsching (Germany), Bucks (United Kingdom), Milano (Italy), Madrid (Spain), Bronby (Denmark), Espoo (Finland), Athens (Greece), Oslo (Norway), Lisboa (Portugal), Solna (Sweden), Uitikon (Switzerland) YOKOGAWA 1. Safety Precautions IM 242605-01E lat Edition Jan. '94 Printed in Japan , 409(YG) 3. Measuring Insulation Resistance · Connecting Probes Remove the plug while n · General definitions of safety symbols used on the instrument and in the manuals to avoid injury, death, or damage to the instrument, the operator must refer to the explanation in the manual. indicates danger of high voltage. Never touch this area. This safety symbol is provided in areas where a voltage of 1000 V or higher is output. indicates that an A.C. current or A

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