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Caterpillar CAT 390D Excavator free download

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File name:CAT390D.pdf
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Model:CAT 390D Excavator 🔎
Descr:Electrical diagram for excavator Caterpillar 390D models
Group:Electronics > Automobile
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Component Identifiers (CID¹) Module Identifier (MID²) Engine Control (MID No. 036) CID 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0091 0094 0100 0102 0110 0168 0172 0174 0190 0248 0261 0262 0268 0274 0286 0291 0342 2417 Cylinder #1 Injector Cylinder #2 Injector Cylinder #3 Injector Cylinder #4 Injector Cylinder #5 Injector Cylinder #6 Injector ThrottlePositionSensor Fuel Delivery Pressure Sensor Engine Oil Pressure Sensor Boost Pressure Sensor Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Electrical System Voltage Intake Manifold Air Temperature Sensor Fuel Temperature Sensor Engine Speed Sensor CAT Data Link Engine Timing Calibration 5 Volt Sensor DC Power Supply Programmed Parameter Fault Atmospheric Pressure Sensor Low Oil Pressure Lamp Engine Cooling Fan Solenoid Secondary Engine Speed Sensor Ether Injection Control Solenoid Calibration Error ID List ID $0001 $0002 $0003 $0004 $0005 $0006 $0007 $0008 $0009 $000A $000B $0100 $0101 $0102 $0103 $0104 $0105 $0106 $1000 $1010 $1011 $1012 $1013 $1014 $1015 $1016 $1017 $1018 $1019 $101A $101B $1034 $1035 $1040 $1054 $1072 $1074 ECM Fault Active Diagnostic Present Another Calibration is Active Calibration Active by Another ECM Loss of Calibration Interlock Calibration Aborted by Tool/Monitor Requested Display Not Supported Unavailable Display Calibration Aborted by ECM Calibration Failure Calibration Not Supported Out-of-Range Low - Incr/Decr Parameter Out-of-Range High - Incr/Decr Parameter Invalid Action / Key Stroke Command Calibration Value Out-of-Range Calibrated Range Too Small Calibrated Range Too Large Calibration Value Not Saved See Service Manual Engine Stopped (NoEngineRPM) Engine Running (EngineRPMPresent) Engine RPM Incorrect Engine High Idle RPM Too Fast Engine Low Idle RPM Too Slow Abnormal Engine RPM Signal Speed Sensor Circuit is Open Service Brake Pedal Pressed Parking Brake Not Engaged Parking Brake Engaged Implement is Swinging/Traveling Machine Speed Not Zero Engine Speed Range is Too Great Response to Engine Speed Request is Slow/Does Not Respond Load is Applied During Calibration Temperature of Hydraulic Oil is Too High Temeprature of Coolant is Too High High Idle Speed of Engine is Too Low Calibration Error Description KENR7737-01 August 2011 Component KENR7737-01 VOL 1 of 2 Printed in U.S.A. Level Symbol Flow Symbol Circuit Breaker Symbol Harness Identification Letter(s): (A, B, C, ..., AA, AB, AC, ...) Harness Connector Serialization Code: The "C" stands for "Connector" and the number indicates which connector in the harness (C1, C2, C3, ...). 44 3 15 23 4 69 63 48 45 25 42 59 30 49 70 32 28 19 20 21 64 6 14 54 62 26 57 61 47 2 39 33 50 29 5 55 68 40 46 43 66 Machine Control (MID No. 039) CID 0041 0096 0167 0168 0190 0246 0247 0248 0254 0271 0291 0374 0466 0467 0485 0581 0586 0588 0590 0598 0600 0790 0864 1118 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1149 1150 1159 1160 1163 1164 1165 1166 1193 1657 1658 1969 2103 2269 2280 2300 2997 3043 3044 8 Volt DC Supply Fuel Leve

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