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Now downloading free:Diplomat DPL MC 8014

Diplomat DPL MC 8014 free download

Air conditioning and climatization devices

File information:
File name:USER_MANUAL_8014.pdf
[preview DPL MC 8014]
Size:1881 kB
Model:DPL MC 8014 🔎
Descr:Mobile cooler - evaporative
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Air conditioning
Multipart:No multipart

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File name USER_MANUAL_8014.pdf

DPL MC 8014 , Diplomat. . , , . DPL MC 8014 1. ... 2 2. ... 2 3. ... 4 4. ... 4 5. ... 5 6. ... 6 7. - EN... 7 - 10 8. ... 11 9. ... 12 10. ... 15 11. ... 16 - 18 12. ... 19 1 : : 220-240 V / 50 Hz () [W]: 75 [L]: 4 2 , , . . , .e. , , , . - , . - . - . . , - . 1. . 2. . 3. . 4. , - 10 . 5. . 6. . , , . 7. , , . , . 8. , , ,, " , . 2 DPL MC 8014 9. ! 10. / , / . 11. , , . , . 12. , . , . 13. , . 14. , . 15. , , , , . 16. . 17. . 18. , . 19. - . 20. , "MAX" , "MIN" . 21. , . , , . 22. / . , . 23. . 24. . 25. ! ! 26. . ! ! 27. 20-30 . 28. . 29. , , 3 . 30. , , -. . 31. ( ) , , , , . 32. , . 33. , , , ! , ! 34. ,, " , , . 1. , . 2. 1/3 . * , . * , , . 3. . ! ! 1. O , , , . 2. 1-2-3 , . 3. SWING: . , . 4 DPL MC 8014 . 4. HUMIDIFY: . - . . , , -. . ­ , . 1. . , . . , . 2. . , , . . , . ! , ! 3. . , , . : , . 4. . . ! - ! 5 - ! - ! 6 MODEL DPL MC 8014 TECHNICAL DATA OF THE UNIT: Rated voltage: 220-240 V / 50Hz Rated power (cooling) [W]: 75 Water tank [L]: 4 2 ice boxes with crystal liquid in the set. The mobile cooler provides cooling of the air with cold water and ice, with endothermic reaction. The appliance takes the hot dry air from the room, it goes through a wetted pad, the water evaporates, and brings back the air cooled. Advantage of this kind of appliance is its mobility ­ it can be place

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