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Now downloading free:ACCUPHASE D-9

ACCUPHASE D-9 free download

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File name:Accuphase-D9-riaa-sch.pdf
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750 R9 +V 750 R15 24K R11 6 5 NJM4580 7 R45 220 56n C15 R35 4.22K 360K R33 18n C11 C13 100K 1n5 7 S5-2 2 X1-26 Left Out 4n7 C9 IC1B 47 46.4K R37 R17 Q11 2sc2547 6 S5-3 3 10n C21 GND X1-25 R41 68K R49 68K 95.3 R1 R31 75K Left U$1 3 4 1 220 R5 Q1 2SK371 G D S D S Q3 2SK371 G R47 D1 R39 523 IC2B 7 5 6 R19 470 PSG015 GND C5 47p C17 NJM4580 0.68u -V GND GND S5-4 1n5 C30 22u/25 C2 + 3 6 5 1 8 S1-3 1M5 R7 11 R25 6 4 S1-1 R51 2 7 4 Low ESR 1 8 S1-4 4.02 S3-1 3 Termal coupling Q13 2SC2547 R29 R21 R23 S1-2 GND 43,2 470 R27 D3 R53 100 R3 15n +V C8 1n5 C31 22u/25 C3 -V + R13 21K S3-3 GND Same schematic for right channel Part naming left# + 1 R1 Left becomes R2 Right RX RY CX X1-21 X1-22 15K 1M 1M R43 Q5 2sc3329 Q7 2sc3329 GND 5 GND GND 15K C19 22u Q9 2sc2547 Right Out GND 1% tolerance 5% tolerance 1% tolerance Con 32Pol Con 32Pol X1-2 X1-4 X1-6 X1-8 X1-10 X1-12 X1-14 Low ESR GND GNDA 100n C33 GND +V X1-19 + Q15 2SC2547 C23 + X1-15 X1-16 Q16 2SA1085 220u/25 3k3 R58 33 R60 C24 + X1-20 -V 3k3 R59 33 R57 C27 22u/25 220u/25 100 R55 22u/25 C28 S1 MM-MC All ON MC All OFF MM MC 62dB / Load MM 36dB / 47K S3 MC Load 1,2 ON 10 3,4 ON 30 All OFF 100 CY Mylar (Polyester) +/-5% X1-1 X1-3 X1-5 X1-7 X1-9 X1-11 X1-13 S5 Subsonic On/Off All ON ON All OFF OFF 25Hz / -12dB/Oct 100 D5 D2 R56 X1-27 X1-29 X1-31 X1-28 X1-30 X1-32 + X1-17 X1-18 X1-23 C25 220u/25 X1-24 C26 220u/25 Allways set SW for both channel to same postition Accuphase AD-9 + + Reengineering from PCB No official schematic! NO WARRANTY !! GND GND GNDA GND KK160129-AD-9 0.0.1

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