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Now downloading free:Elna 745 parts list

Elna 745 parts list free download

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Descr:Parts list for many Elna Sergers
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File name 745_Part_list.pdf

ELNA 745 - 845 PARTS LIST INDEX FRONT COVER REAR / SIDE COVERS / SPOOL STAND / ANTENNA BASE PLATE / FRONT DOOR THREAD TENSION / TENSION RELAESE SAFETY DEVICE SYSTEM / ACCESSORY STAND MOTOR / FOOT CONTROL / CORDS CASING PRESSER BAR / NEEDLE BAR / NEEDLE PLATE UPPER LOOPER / LOWER LOOPER / CHAIN LOOPER FRONT AND REAR FEED DOG / FEED ASEMBLING SYSTEM HANDWHEEL / MOTOR BELT / MAINSHAFT CUTTING SYSTEM / MOVING AND FIXED BLADES ACCESSORYS / INSTRUCTION BOOK 1 ­ 1A 2 3 ­ 3A 4 ­ 4A 5 ­ 5A 6 7 ­ 7A 8 ­ 8A 9 10 11 12 13 1 N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 N° EIC 396012-66 395049-19 395052-15 395052-57 395003-07 396008-47 396013-05 396010-72 396013-01 396016-33 396016-34 396016-41 396016-45 396016-54 396016-57 396016-60 396016-65 396019-26 396026-10 396029-86 396029-98 306032-15 396032-31 396032-32 396032-33 396032-34 396032-35 396032-36 396032-40 396032-47 396032-63 396032-64 395128-09 395128-19 Description Clip ring #4 Screw - TPM4x10 Nut M4 Screw M4x10 Screw M4x12 Washer 4x8x0.8 Washer 5x10x0.16 Cap 8 white M4x12 Cap screw Check spring Check spring stud Upper thread guide CS thread base guide Thread guide Take-up lever inside cover bracket Needle thread guide Take-up lever noise cover assem. Needle thread guide Screw TPM 4x6 Front panel Inside cover CS top thread guide (brown) Chainstitch dial tension assembled Tension stud Dial tension disc Tension dial (brown) Tension dial sticker Tension adjustment plate screw Thread guide pate Program display window, English DT spring Program display window, Italy Screw TPM4x8 Washer DT 1A N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 N° EIC 396012-66 395049-19 395052-15 395052-57 395003-07 396008-47 396013-05 396010-72 396013-01 396016-34 396016-41 396016-45 396016-54 396016-60 396019-26 396026-10 396029-86 396029-98 396032-85 306032-15 396032-31 396032-32 396032-33 396032-34 396032-35 396032-36 396032-40 396032-47 396032-90 396032-63 396032-64 395128-09 395128-19 Description Clip ring #4 Screw - TPM4x10 Nut M4 Screw M4x10 Screw M4x12 Washer 4x8x0.8 Washer 5x10x0.16 Cap 8 white M4x12 Cap screw Check spring stud Upper thread guide CS thread base guide Thread guide Needle thread guide Needle thread guide Screw TPM 4x6 Front panel Inside cover Take-up lever noise cover CS top thread guide (brown) Chainstitch dial tension assembled Tension stud Dial tension disc Tension dial (brown) Tension dial sticker Tension adjustment plate screw Thread guide pate Program display window, English Check spring DT spring Program display window, Italy Screw TPM4x8 Washer DT 2 N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 N° EIC 395049-19 395052-37 395052-57 396003-16 396015-44 396002-10 396007-98 396008-32 396011-39 396011-49 396011-57 396029-53 396015-45 396015-46 396015-47 396015-48 396015-49 396015-50 396015-51 396015-52 396015-53 396015-54 3

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