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Now downloading free:Acer Aspire-4720Z-Z01-E3C

Acer Aspire-4720Z-Z01-E3C free download

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File name:shema-Acer-Aspire-4720Z-Z01-E3C.pdf
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5 4 3 2 1 MODEL: REV: CHANGE LIST: MODEL : Z01 MB PAGE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1A 1B FIRST RELEASE PAGE02. PAGE03. PAGE03. PAGE05. PAGE06. PAGE08. PAGE11. PAGE12. PAGE13. PAGE15. PAGE16. PAGE18. PAGE20. PAGE21. PAGE22. PAGE23. PAGE24. PAGE25. PAGE02. PAGE06. PAGE07. PAGE08. PAGE09. PAGE10. PAGE11. PAGE11. PAGE12. PAGE13. PAGE14. PAGE15. PAGE16. PAGE17. PAGE18. PAGE19. PAGE20. PAGE21. PAGE22. PAGE23. PAGE25. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. R447,455,456 MODIFY to EP P/N:CS14752FB11 STUFF HOLE6 P/N:FBZ01007010 , 2. STUFF HOLE7,8,15 P/N:FBED8001016 , 3. STUFF HOLE5 P/N:FBZ01006010 STUFF HOLE23,25 P/N:FBZ01003010 , 2. STUFF HOLE18 P/N:FBZ01004010 , 3. STUFF HOLE31 P/N:FBZ01005010 U22 MODIFY to GM965 P/N:AJ0QN120T04 , 2. R193,194 MODIFY to EP P/N:CS03902FB11 R242 MODIFY to EP P/N:CS33002JB23 L52,53 MODIFY to EP P/N:CV01004KN00 R332 MODIFY to EP P/N:CS23243F930 , 2. U6 MODIFY to ICH8 P/N:AJ0QM740T03 R244,R347,R353 MODIFY to EP P/N:CS00004JA40 , 2. L28 MODIFY to P/N:CV-1005MZ01 CN10 MODIFY to CRT P/N:DFDS15FR611 R467 MODIFY to EP P/N:CS00004JA40,2. R50 MODIFY to EP P/N:CS31003J941,3.CN27 MODIFY to SATA P/N:DFHS22FR005 CN16 MODIFY to RJ45/11 P/N:DFTJ15FR057 R317,323 MODIFY to 0603 P/N:CS31003F949 , 2. R310 MODIFY to EP P/N:CS31003J941 PR100 MODIFY to EP P/N:CS51002FB11 PR86 MODIFY to EP P/N:CS24022FB13 , 2. PR38,82 MODIFY to 1% P/N:CS31002FB26 , 3. PR83 MODIFY to EP P/N:CS00004JA40 PR1 MODIFY to EP P/N:CS32002FB29 , 2. PR6 MODIFY to 1% P/N:CS51003F934 PR106 MODIFY to 0 ohm P/N:CS00002JB38 , 2. UN-STUFF PR107,PC111 PR29 MODIFY to EP P/N:CS31003J941 2. PJ1 MODIFY to BATTERY P/N:DFHD07MR006 PR70 MODIFY to EP P/N:CS32002FB29 Connect VDDIO_CLK to +1.25V 2. un-stuff R292;R445;R308 3. stuff C575,C574,C576,C578,C573,C546 for EMI issue Connect ICH_PWROK SIGNAL TO NB CLPWROK 2.un-stuff R242;R235;R422;R222;R421;R423 3. R360,R361 only stuff for UMA MODIFY 22u to 10u R489 MODIFY to 0805 2. Stuff L50;R182;C238 for EV@ (MXM) Add PU for SMA_MA14 ; SMB_MA14 un-stuff R337,C115,C127,C129,C298,C302,C294,C283,C291 Q18 MODIFY to P/N:AL07SZ04C27 2.R395 connect to VCCRTC 3.R336;R251;R419;R255 un-stuff 4.R226 connect to +3V_S5 5.ICH_PWROK to SB CLPWROK stuff C500,C509,C300,C513 33pF P/N:CH03306JB04 2. C507,C508 10pF change to 15pF P/N:CH01506JB06 , 3. stuff R238,R392,C2989 for Contr-LINK1 VCCHDA & VCCSUSHDA change to 3V ADD CRT DDC IN PU , 2. L8,L9,L10 P/N change to 0.47UH for MXM , 3. C22,C24,C25,C27,C31,C32 P/N change to 47pF for MXM CN6 MODIFY CONN. to 5 PIN P/N:DFHD05MRD98 MODIFY SWITCH BOARD PIN DEFINE 2. Modify FAN circuit , 2. MR1 P/N change to AL000268000 C46,C47 27pF change to 33pF P/N:CH03306JB04 2. stuff C104,C105,C119,C112 0.1uF P/N:CH41003ZB35 CARD READER COLAY TO CN28, DEL CN30 2. C311 change to 27pF P/N:CH02706JB06 3. stuff R209 4. un-stff R213,C325,U11 CHANGE MDC & CODEC to 3V 2.Delete D12 3. stuff R314,R483,C393,C595 SWAP NBSWON

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