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Acer AL1715 free download

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Model:AL1715 🔎
Descr:Acer AL1715 Service Guide
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Chapter 6 FRU (Field Replaceable Unit) list This chapter gives you the FRU (Field Replaceable Unit) listing in global configurations of AL1715. Refer to this chapter whenever ordering for parts to repair or for RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization). NOTE : Please note WHEN ORDERING FRU PARTS, that you should check the most up-to-date information available on your regional web or channel( For whatever reasons a part number change is made, it will not be noted in the printed Service Guide. For ACER-AUTHORIZED CERVICE PROVIDERS, your Acer office may have a DIFFERENT part number code to those given in the FRU list of this printed Service Guide. You MUST use the local FRU list provided by your regional Acer office to order FRU parts repair and service of customer machines. NOTE: To scrap or to return the defective parts, you should follow the local government ordinance or regulations on how best to dispose it, or follow the rules set by your regional Acer office on how to return it. 45 Model:AR578 47 C. No. For AR578 (Acer model:AL1715 ) Photo Part Name Description Part No. 1 Back Cover Screws M4X0.7+6P-NI MAA20093004 2 BaseASSY(FOOT) AR7714A(ABS94HB,MCG62) FAAR7714A10 3 Stand Screws M4X0.7+11P-MC WASHER DIM 8.0 MAA70002400 4 NECK COVER AR7721(ABS94HB,MCG62) FAAR7721100 6 NECK BRACKET AR7722(SECC1.0) ECAR7722000 7 HINGE ASSY AR7717(SK-7,T=22) ECAR7717000 8 NECK AR7713(ABS94HB.MCG62) FAAR7713100 9 Panel & Chassis M3X0.5+4I-NI MAA00001240 10 Function Board VK-583 LAR578Y 454AAP30011 11 BACK COVER, Neck TPP-4.0+10P-NI & Neck Bracket, Chassis & Bezel MAB20074201 54 12 Back Cover AR7812A(PC+ABS,MCG62) FAAR7812A10 13 Hinge Screws TPB-4+8C-MC MAB7T002401 14 Mainboard & Chassis 4#40UNCX12.7 PLS-WASHER MAAA0019400 15 POWER BOARD &CHASSIS M3x0.5+6F-ZK MAA10022007 16 Invertor Board VP-583 LAR578Y 453AAP30011 17 Key/B & Bezel TPP2X3+12B-MC MAB80007400 18 POWER BOARD &CHASSIS Function board to Mainboard cable M4.0X0.7+8BTF-MC MAA80014400 19 AR578 CTRL-KEY 13P DC020162500 20 Main Shield AR7816(TIN0.3) ECAR7816000 21 Mainboard and M3X0.5+4C-NI Invertor Board Screws MAA70003100 22 Mainboard VL-731 LAR578Y ABO 461AAI300E2 55 23 Frame(BEZEL) AR7811A (PC+ABS,MCG62) FAAR7811A10 24 Main Frame/CHASSIS AR7715(SECC1.0) ECAR7715000 25 Mainboard to LCD Cable JP577 PANEL-CTRL 30P DC020160700 26 LCD Panel(F) HT17E12-200 17"(HYDIS) AC6V0000200 27 LCD Panel(B) HT17E12-200 17"(HYDIS) AC6V0000200 56 Chapter 7 Schematic Diagram 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75

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