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Acer al2623w free download

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File name:al2623w_lcd_tft_lp2610_inolux_134.pdf
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Model:al2623w 🔎
Descr:al2623w lcd tft lp2610 inolux 134 schematics
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Acer Service Manual ATTACHMENT 1 - RECOMMENDED PART LIST Item Catalogue INL P/N Description Min Order Q'ty 1 790821300A01R PCBA,I/F BOARD,(EMEA)LP2610-A12 ROHS 50 2 790821400A00R PCBA,P/I BOARD,LP2610-A12 ROHS 50 3 PCBA 790821500000R PCBA,KEYPAD BOARD,LP2610 ROHS 50 4 453070800210R PWR CORD 16A/250V BLK 6FT VDE,H05VV-F 3G 50 5 453030300120R CABLE,AUDIO 1P 6FT BLACK/GREEN CP03B06P0 50 6 453010100150R CABLE,D-SUB 15P MALE 6FT BLACK,SZ4120955 50 7 430300800820R HRN ASS'Y 8pin 340mm UL1571#28 50 8 430303000710R HRN ASS`Y LVDS 30P 270m; UL1007#30 50 9 CABLE 430300100220R HRN ASS'Y 1P 250mm BLACK,UL1007#20, 50 502090304900R CHASSIS, LP2610 50 10 714071005800R ASSY,STAND(B), LP2610 RoHS 50 11 714033008500R ASSY,FRONT BEZEL(G), LP2610 RoHS 50 12 714021008200R ASSY,BASE(B),LP2610 50 13 501021211200R COVER,HINGE(B), LP2610 50 14 CASE/COVER/BRACKET 501021211100R COVER,BACK(B), LP2610 50 15 ASSEMBLY PANEL 16 631102260010RA LCD PANEL 26" LM260WU1-SLB1(A)(LPL)RoHS 10 SPEAKER 17 618100200170R SPEAKER 2.5W 4 230mm R/B/G W/CASE X08 50 ATTACHMENT 2-PCB LAYOUT 21 5 4 3 2 1 VLCD VCC12 DC ON : 698mA @ White

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