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AEG Magnetophon 21 free download

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File name hfe_aeg_magnetophon_21_brochure_en.pdf

magnetophon 21 AEG Analog professional tape recorder for studio and mobile operation, with state of the art microprocessor technology New technology in a proven concept: The M21 The M21 professional tape recorder (short for »magnetophon 21«) is designed for top quality master recording and reproduction in radio and television studios as well as in the recording industry and profes- sional studios in general. AEG continues the great tradition of produc- ing compact, portable, rugged, reliable studio tape recorders with this completely new development. The magnetophon 21 is a modern, pro- fessional system which is designed for ease of operation through the utilization of the most sophisticated technology currently available. The M21 is an analog recorder which, along with other recording sys- tems, is meant to ensure the continuity of a proven technique and, in addition, the meeting of both the present day demands and those of many years to come. By adding a compact unit for 1/4" tape to the pro- fessional M15A tape recorder system, AEG has rounded out its series of magnetophones in the master recorder class. As a logical advancement in modern technology the M21 now offers microcomputer control and electronically controlled capstan and reels. The microcomputer enables tape transport and amplifier operation to be programmed, thus greatly increasing the system's range of applica- tions. The machine is available in mono, stereo or two-track configuration with A-wind (oxide coating inside) or B-wind (oxide coating outside). Operation is possible with all standard reel mounts: DIN hubs with turntable for self-supporting tape packs, NAB reels or cine-type reels. NAB reels up to 12 1/2" diameter or self-supporting tape packs of 300 mm diameter may be used. The minimum hub diameter for tape reels is 45 mm. The compact, portable machine fulfills studio requirements for the tape transport mechanism and the amplifiers. This tape recorder is equally at home in the studio or on location in mobile units. Since it is small and takes up little space the M21 is par- ticularly suitable for installation in 19" racks and carrying cases and can of course be fitted into existing consoles. Installed in the Vario stand it is even possible to adjust height and angle for operation in a sitting or standing position. The recorder operates in any position between the horizontal and vertical. Particularly important for operation in mobile units: the M21 is ready for operation at -5° C after only 5 minutes of warm-up time. For international operation, all tape equalizations are available: IEC (CCIR), NAB or proposed AES. The record and playback heads are avail- able with 0.75 mm or 2 mm track separation. An accessory vu-meter unit with monitor loud- speaker and headphone jack is also available. magnetophon 21 Operation in the radio studio in the editio

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