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Aiwa NSX-AV320 free download

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File name:09-985-280-2fe_av320_simple.pdf
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MANUAL NSX-AV320 COMPACT DISC STEREO CASSETTE RECEIVER · BASIC TAPE MECHANISM: 6ZM-3 PR1NM · TYPE: EZ,K · BASIC CD MECHANISM: 4ZG­1 Z3DSHNM SERVICE SIMPLE MANUAL CD REMOTE SYSTEM SPEAKER CASSEIVER CONTROLLER SX­NAV304 NSX-AV320 CX-NAV320 SX-C605 RC - 8AS SX-R275 · If requiring information about the CD mechanism, see Service Manual of 4ZG-1, S/M Code No. 09-983-249-3OT. · Replace this Service Manual with "Revision Publishing" when it is issued. S/M Code No. 09­985­280­2FE ELECTRICAL MAIN PARTS LIST - 1 REF.NO. PARTNO. KANRI DESCRIPTION REF.NO. PARTNO. KANRI DESCRIPTION NO. NO. IC C114 87-010-407-080 CAP, ELECT 33-50V C115 87-010-407-080 CAP, ELECT 33-50V 87-A20-083-010 IC,BA3835S C116 87-010-407-080 CAP, ELECT 33-50V 88-NFV-602-010 C-IC,UPD780228-019-3BA C117 87-010-430-080 CAP, ELECT 100-63 87-NF8-614-010 IC,SPS-442-1-W C118 87-010-263-080 CAP, ELECT 100-10V 87-017-915-080 IC,BU4094BCF 87-A20-783-040 C-IC,BA7762AFS C119 87-010-260-080 CAP, ELECT 47-25V C120 87-010-403-080 CAP, ELECT 3.3-50V 87-017-888-080 IC,NJM4558MD C121 87-012-140-080 CAP 470P 87-A20-954-040 C-IC,M62445FP-601 C122 87-010-263-080 CAP, ELECT 100-10V 86-NFZ-655-010 IC,LC72131D(Z) C123 87-010-247-080 CAP, ELECT 100-50V 87-A20-913-010 IC,LA1837NL 87-020-454-010 IC,DN6851 C124 87-010-112-080 CAP, ELECT 100-16V C125 87-010-235-080 CAP,E 470-16 SME 87-A20-853-010 C-IC,M62463FP C153 87-010-917-090 CAP,E 3300-50 M SMG 87-A20-440-040 IC,BU1920FS C154 87-010-917-090 CAP,E 3300-50 M SMG

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