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Aiwa AZG-6 free download

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File name:hfe_aiwa_azg-6_service_en.pdf
[preview AZG-6]
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Model:AZG-6 🔎 AZG6
Descr:CD mechanism service manual
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File name hfe_aiwa_azg-6_service_en.pdf

AZG-6 English SERVICE MANUAL CD MECHANISM BASIC CD MECHANISM : 3ZG-2 E2 TYPE CS3DM CS3NDM YCS3NDM Replace this Service Manual with "Revision Publishing" when it is issued. E PL SIM TA DA S/M Code No. 09-99A-336-9T2 MECHANICAL PARTS LIST 1/1 NOTE: The characters in the suffix column indicate the part usage. CS3DM ...XX...A... CS3NDM ...XX...B... YCS3NDM ...XX...C... KANRI REF.NO PARTS NO. NO. DESCRIPTION SUFFIX 81-ZG1-254-010 0E S-SCREW,MECH HLDR ABC... 83-ZG3-211-010 0E PLATE,DISC ABC... 83-ZG3-604-010 0E RING,MAG 2 ABC... 84-ZG1-207-010 0E PULLEY,RELAY ABC... 84-ZG1-209-010 0E BELT,SQ1.8-117.7 ABC... 84-ZG1-256-010 1A GEAR,WORM N2 ABC... 84-ZG1-267-010 0E PULLEY,LOAD MO 8 ABC... 84-ZG2-228-010 0E PULLEY,MOT ABC... 86-ZG1-001-410 2M TRAY,5CD ABC... 86-ZG1-002-210 2A TURN TABLE,5CD ABC... 86-ZG1-003-110 1A COVER,TRAY A... 86-ZG1-004-010 1B REFLECTOR,CD A... 86-ZG1-005-110 1B COVER,CHAS ABC... 86-ZG1-201-310 2M CHAS,MECHA ABC... 86-ZG1-202-210 1C HLDR,MECHA ABC... 86-ZG1-203-210 1B GEAR,MAIN CAM ABC... 86-ZG1-204-110 0E GEAR,RELAY A ABC... 86-ZG1-205-110 0E GEAR,TRAY ABC... 86-ZG1-206-110 0E GEAR,RELAY B ABC... 86-ZG1-208-010 1A LEVER,TRAY ABC... 86-ZG1-209-1

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