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Aiwa CA-DW257 free download

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File name:hfe_aiwa_ca-dw257_service_simple_en.pdf
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Model:CA-DW257 🔎 CADW257
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File name hfe_aiwa_ca-dw257_service_simple_en.pdf

CA-DW257 LH(S) SERVICE MANUAL COMPACT DISC CARRY BASIC TAPE MECHANISM : ZZM-2 YPR3NF COMPONENT SYSTEM BASIC CD MECHANISM : DTA11T3C · Replace this Service Manual with "Revision Publishing" when it is issued. P LE SIM D AT A S/M Code No. 09-003-339-4T2 ELECTRICAL MAIN PARTS LIST - 1 NOTE: The characters in the suffix column indicate the part usage. 257 LH ...XX...B... REF.NO PARTS NO. NO. DESCRIPTION SUFFIX C 239 87-010-197-080 CAP, CHIP 0.01 DM ABCD... C 240 87-010-197-080 CAP, CHIP 0.01 DM ABCD... C 238 87-010-263-080 CAP, ELECT 100-10V ABCD... C 247 87-010-401-080 CAP, ELECT 1-50V ABCD... C 248 87-010-401-080 CAP, ELECT 1-50V ABCD... C 291 87-010-404-080 CAP, ELECT 4.7-50V ABCD... C 293 87-010-404-080 CAP, ELECT 4.7-50V ABCD... C 237 87-010-408-080 CAP, ELECT 47-50V ABCD... C 231 87-015-632-080 C-CAP,0.015-50 B ABCD... C 232 87-015-632-080 C-CAP,0.015-50 B ABCD... C 235 87-015-785-080 CHIP CAPACITOR, 0.1FZ-25Z ABCD... C 236 87-015-785-080 CHIP CAPACITOR, 0.1FZ-25Z ABCD... C 233 87-A10-201-080 C-CAP,S0.33-16 KB ABCD... C 234 87-A10-201-080 C-CAP,S0.33-16 KB ABCD... IC 203 87-A21-520-040 C-IC,M61509FP ABCD... D 281 87-A40-466-080 ZENER,MTZJ2.7A ABCD... C 216 87-010-425-080 C-CAP,0.22-25 F ABCD... C 218 87-012-358-080 C-CAP,S 0.47-10 F Z ABCD... C 215 87-016-460-080 C-CAP,S 0.22-16 B ABCD... C 216 87-016-460-080 C-CAP,S 0.22-16 B ABCD... C 278 87-010-112-080 CAP, ELECT 100-16V ABCD... C 279 87-010-112-080 CAP, ELECT 100-16V ABCD... C 263 87-010-178-080 CHIP CAP 1000P ABCD... C 264 87-010-178-080 CHIP CAP 1000P ABCD... C 271 87-010-221-080 CAP, ELECT 470-10V A.C... C 272 87-010-221-080 CAP, ELECT 470-10V

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