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Aiwa CR-DX501 free download

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File name:hfe_aiwa_cr-dx501_service_revision_en.pdf
[preview CR-DX501]
Size:1827 kB
Model:CR-DX501 🔎 CRDX501
Descr:Radio receiver service manual
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Audio
Multipart:No multipart

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File name hfe_aiwa_cr-dx501_service_revision_en.pdf

CR-DX501 YU(S),YZ(S), YL(S) SERVICE MANUAL RADIO RECEIVER This Service Manual is the "Revision Publishing" and replaces "Simple Manual" CR-DX501 YU(S)(S/M Code No. 09-003-343-8T1) CR-DX501 YZ(S),YL(S)(S/M Code No. 09-003-343-8T2). N SIO VI RE TA DA S/M Code No. 09-003-343-8R1 SPECIFICATIONS · Design and specifications are subject to change without notice . ACCESSORIES/PACKAGE LIST REF. NO PART NO. KANRI DESCRIPTION NO. 1 8A-RC7-901-010 IB,YU(3L)> 1 8A-RC7-904-010 IB,YL(ESP)> 1 8A-RC7-905-010 IB,YZ(EGF)> 1 8A-RC7-906-010 IB,YZ(SID)> 1 8A-RC7-907-010 IB,YZ(PHC)> 2 87-B30-319-010 HEADPHONE,HP-M046(S) NECK-BAND 3 8A-RC7-004-010 CLIP,BELT 2 ELECTRICAL MAIN PARTS LIST REF. NO PART NO. KANRI DESCRIPTION REF. NO PART NO. KANRI DESCRIPTION NO. NO. IC C146 87-A10-463-080 C-CAP,U 0.47-10 Z F C147 87-A10-463-080 C-CAP,U 0.47-10 Z F 87-A21-407-040 C-IC,TA2104BFN C148 87-012-274-080 CHIP CAP,U 1000P-50B 87-017-642-080 IC,CXA1622M C149 87-012-274-080 CHIP CAP,U 1000P-50B 87-A21-605-010 C-IC,TC9318FA-056 C150 87-010-831-080 C-CAP,U,0.1-16F 87-A20-755-080 C-IC,AK93C45AF C151 87-010-196-080 CHIP CAPACITOR,0.1-25 C152 87-010-082-010 CAPACITOR, 220MF 4V/87-0 TRANSISTOR C153 87-010-082-010 CAPACITOR, 220MF 4V/87-0 C158 87-010-031-010 CAP,E 3.3-25 M BK 89-342-153-080

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