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Now downloading free:Velleman PCG10 K8016

Velleman PCG10 K8016 free download

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File information:
File name:PCG10_8016_Diagrams.pdf
[preview PCG10 K8016]
Size:288 kB
Model:PCG10 K8016 🔎
Descr:PCG10/K8016 PC Function Generator circuit diagrams
Group:Electronics > Measuring equipment
Multipart:No multipart

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File name PCG10_8016_Diagrams.pdf

PC FUNCTION GENERATOR Velleman PCG10 DIAGRAMS AND CALIBRATION _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. CALIBRATION To allow calibration, the unit must be connected to the computer and the supplied software must be installed. Please consult the `Getting Started' manual for details on the connection and installation procedure. · Select the function generator module [Function generator]. · Select the correct parallel port [Options > Hardware setup]. · Check if the `POWER ON' (LD1) LED lights. If it does not light, check the complete assembly and check the parallel port settings in the · options-hardware setup of the software. · Make sure the frequency is set to 1000Hz (1KHz). Adjust if necessary. · Make sure the offset is set to 0V. Adjust if necessary. · Make sure the amplitude is set to 5Vpp. Adjust if necessary. · Select sinewave output . Readout should now show a sine wave and the `READY' LED (LD2) should light. · Connect a digital multimeter to the `signal out' connector of the generator. Set it to DC volts. Adjust the multi-turn trimmer RV1 until the multimeter displays zero volts. If necessary, adjust the range of the meter to obtain a higher resolution. Now you can check the wave- form, using an oscilloscope or one of our PC- or handheld scopes IF SPECIAL TEST SOFTWARE IS USED THEN CALIBRATION MUST BE DONE WITH THIS SOFTWARE AND PCS500 SCOPE 2 2. PCB (Component side). _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM: Power supply section. 4 4. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM: Analogue section. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM: Digital section. 6

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