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Now downloading free:RCA Jensen_Radechon_Storage_Tube_Circuits_Jun55

RCA Jensen_Radechon_Storage_Tube_Circuits_Jun55 free download

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RADECHON STORAGE TUBE CIRCUITS by A. S. Jensen and G. W. Gray 'RADECHON STORAGE TUBE CIRCUITS':: By ARTHUR S. JENSEN AND GEORGE W. GRAY Research Lahoratory, RCA Lahoratories, Princetono No oJ. Summary:"'-Since a signal of about 20 volts must be applied to the stOl o - . age target of'the developmental Radechon either as a means fOl o switching from w1ite to read condition or, in a less preferred mode of operation, as Ctll input w1'iting video signal, this signal must be separated fro'//! the much smaller (about 30 millivolt) 1'eading output signal. In the older barriel o griel storctge tube design, these signals were se}Jct/"CLtecl by taking the output from a collector of the seco'ndary electrons from the target. However, ea,perien;;c has shown that

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