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Now downloading free:xerox 19770916_Preliminary_Pilot_Development_Work_Plan

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XEROX INFORMATION PRODUcrs GROUP System Development Division June 7, 1977 revised June 10, 1977 revised July 8, 1977 revised July 21, 1977 revised July 26, 1977 revised August 5, 1977 revised September 16, 1977 DRAFT - DRAFT - DRAFT To: file From: W. C. Lynch Location: Palo Alto XEROX SDD ARCHIVES d and understood Subject Preliminary Pilot Development Work Plan 1 have rea Keywords: Pilot, work plan pages_ - - - - -TO. - - - - - Date.___- File: (Lynch)PilotWp.Memo or (Lynch)PilotWp.Ears Reviewer-----;-ef 0.1 15 b D.- 3,2 6 . f of Pages,_ _- Archive document #: Lopez archive number Introduction This workplan presents the plan for the creation and delivery of Pilot. in detail, through release 2.0 on May 31, 1978. This release will both be the first release for the DO' and contain the function required for the Janus IMO release. This workplan does not cover the period beyond the release of Pilot 2.0 in nearly as much detail. Pilot 2.0 will provide almost all of the functions caJ1ed for in the Pilot Functional Specifications but will not necessarily have either the performance or the main memory consumption required for product release. Common Software (anything not covered in the Pilot Functional Specs) is not covered by this workplan. System integration activities (post release support, performance improvements, and memory requirement reductions) beyond the release of Pilot 2.0 are not broken down into detail. Very little in the way of post release support for Pilot 1.0 (Pilot on the Alto) is contemplated and the mechanisms for post release support of system software products in general have not yet been worked out When they are, additional tasks will undoubtedly be identified. OIS Mesa, as represented by the OIS Mesa Fuctional Specification, will disappear as an . identifyable project, as wiIJ that document The functions represented are being divided between the Pilot project and the Mesa project and the portion subsummed by Pilot is covered by this workplan. The remainder of the functions are to be covered by the Mesa workplans. Background data productivity assumptions - document preparation Prelim Pilot Devp Work Plan - revised September 16. 1977 - DRAFT 2 This section will list the productivity assumptions upon which this workpla

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