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Solutions for Measuring Permittivity and Permeability Application Note 1297 Meeting Tomorrow's Material Test Challenges Solutions For Your Application Selecting the Best Solution Performance of base materials has a fundamental impact on the success of your end-product Whether you are looking for simple measurement hardware for QA, or need a sophisticated package with fixtures, instrument- ation, and software to improve your design, HP has the right tools for you. For testing bulk materials you need fixtures, precise instru- mentation, and perhaps software to analyze and output your test data in an user-definable format. Fixtures are a vital link that allow an instrument to connect from the front panel to the material under test. Fixturing is never easy; your sample may be freezing cold or boiling hot, liquid or solid, thick or thin. Your testing could be at low frequencies, at millimeterwave, or somewhere in between. And so, you have to pick the right fixture for the right physical and electrical test conditions. Instruments perform the actual material measurements using a number of techniques. LCR meters are an excellent choice when your application requires a low Application/Test Requirement frequency test at discrete points. Impedance analyzers have the benefits of extended frequency range, a synthesized source, and swept measurement capability. Network analyzers are the best solution for swept high frequency measurements. The information on this page will assist you in understanding HP's wide range of test fixtures, versus frequency. The chart is a instrumentation, and software. quick reference application guide The figure depicts test complexity to HP solutions. 2 DC Resistivity Cell-- HP 16008B The HP 16008B DC resistivity cell and the HP 4339B high resistance meter will make sheet material measurements of resistance, surface resistivity, and volume resistivity. The HP 4339B outputs a dc voltage to the HP 16008B which applies it across electrodes to the Dielectric Text Fixture-- material under test. The shielded HP 16451B test enclosure reduces ambient noise and protects the user from The dielectric test high voltage test conditions. fixture and any Different electrode sizes are HP four terminal available to meet various sample pair LCR meter/ flat sheet requirements. The impedance material under test can be square analyzer will make or circular in shape. The capacitance and HP 16008B can only be used with dissipation factor HP 4339B high resistance meter. measurements. Using a guarded Key Specifications: parallel plate technique, the DC voltage: 0.1 to 1000V HP 16451B i

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