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AMD sc3200_tepbga_tft_on_parallel free download

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AMD GeodeTM Solutions Integrated Processors, Companion Devices, and System Platforms October 2003 NOTICE Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. ("AMD") has purchased the Information Appliance business unit of National Semiconductor Corporation ("National"), which consisted primarily of the GeodeTM family of microprocessor products and related support products (GX1, GX2, CS5530A, CS5535, CS1301, CS1311, SC1100, SC1200, SC1201, SC2100, SC2200, SC3200, XpressROMTM and XpressLoaderTM software, collectively, the "IA Products"). This business unit is now being operated by AMD's PCS Division. During a transitional period, AMD will continue to use and distribute IA Product technical and marketing documents originally produced by National in hard copy, pdf, html or other electronic format. Notwithstanding the appearance in this document of the National trade names, National trademarks, and National copyrights or other proprietary notices, AMD is the seller of the IA Products described in this document, the owner of the content contained in this document, and the source/publisher of this document. 5 4 3 2 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS: PAGE CONTENTS NOTES P01 COVER PAGE 1 P02 COVER PAGE 2 P03 SC3200_01 P04 SC3200_02 P05 SC3200_03 D P06 SC3200_04 D SC3200 TEPBGA Reference Schematic Rev 1.0 P07

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