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Tektronix 070-3921-00_8540_Installation_Oct81 free download

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INSTRUCTION MANUAL COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE WARNING THE FOLLOWING SERVICING INSTRUCTIONS ARE FOR USE BY QUALIFIED PERSONNELONLY. TO AVOID PERSONAL INJURY, DO NOT PERFORM ANY SERVICING OTHER THAN THAT CONTAINED IN OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS UNLESS YOU ARE QUALIFIED TO DO SO. PLEASE CHECK FOR CHANGE INFORMATION AT THE REAR OF THIS MANUAL. Tektronix, Inc. P.O. Box 500 Beaverton, Oregon 97077 Serial Number _ _ _ _ _ __ 070-3921-00 First Printing OCT 1981 priv:11,eges' are reserved. Printed in U.S.A. 8540 Installation PREFACE INTRODUCTION This manual contains information on how to install an 8540 Integration Unit. Since this is an Installation Guide, and not a User's Manual, this book contains few operating instructions other than those required to perform system verification. The 8540 Integration Unit should be installed by a Tektronix Field Service Specialist. Tektronix, Inc. is not obligated to furnish service to repair damage resulting from attempts by unauthorized personnel to install this product. Please call your nearest Tektronix Field Service Office for installation. ABOUT THIS MANUAL This manual supports installation and verification of the 8540 Integration Unit. Specifically, the sections in this manual provide the following information: Section An overview to the 8540 Integration Unit. Section 2 Specifications for the 8540 Integration Unit. Section 3 Instructions on unpacking the 8540 and setting up a work site. Section 4 8540 front and rear panel controls, connectors, and indicators. Section 5 Verification ~at the 8540 Integration Unit is working properly. Section 6 How the 8540 is configured when operating with other equipment. Section 7 8540 Integration Unit circuit board configurations. @ i 8540 Installation NOMENCLATURE Throughout this manual, the following terms are used for the sake of brevity. Term: Meaning ===========l========================================== 8540 l 8540 Inte~ration Unit i ~ I 8560 l 1 8560 Multiuser Software Development Unit 1 System I The terminal used for command entry Terminal l and connected to the 8540 ____________ 1_______________________________

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