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Tektronix 7b70 sm free download

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TA BLE OF CO N TEN TS SE CTIO N 1 SPE CI FICATIO N S Page Introduction 1-1 Electrical Ch aracteristics 1-1 Sweep Rate 1-1 Sweep Accuracy 1-1 Sweep L ength 1-1 Sweep H ol d-Off Time 1-1 External H orizontal Am plifier 1-1 Deflection F actor 1-1 F requency Response 1-2 Trigger Sensitivity 1-2 Internal Trigger J itter 1-2 External Trigger Input 1-2 - Auto Sensitivity 1-2 Environmental Characteristics Altitud e 1-2 Ph ysical Characteristics F inish 1-2 Dimensions 1-2 Weight 1-2 SECTIO N 2 OPER ATING I NSTRU CTIO NS General 2-1 Installation 2-1 F ront Panel Controls 2-1 Test Setu p Chart 2-4 General Operating Information 2-4 Sweep Calibration Check 2-4 Sim plified Op erating Instructions 2-4 N ormal Sweep 2-6 Magnifie d Swee p 2-6 Delaye d Swee p 2-6 Pushbutton Switch Logic 2-6 Triggere d L ight 2-6 Trigger Mode 2-7 Trigger Coup ling 2-8 Trigger Source 2-9 Trigger Slope 2-10 Trigger Level 2-10 H orizontal Sweep Rate 2-10 Sweep M agnifier 2-12 H orizontal Position Control 2-12 Display Mode 2-12 TA BLE O F CO N T EN TS (cont) SECTION 2 OPER ATI N G I NSTRUCTIONS (cont) Page A pp lications 2-13 General 2-13 F req uency Com parison 2-13 Time Duration M easurements 2-14 Determining F req uency 2-15 Risetime Measurements 2-15 Delayed Sweep Time Measurements 2-16

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