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PULSED-RF MEASUREMENTS AND THE HP 85108 NETWORK ANALVZER John Barr Richard Grimmett Roger McAleenan Network Measurements Division 1400 Fountaingrove Parkway Santa Rosa, California 95403 RF & Microwave Measurement Symposium and Exhibition rlin- HEWLETT ~~ PACKARD ABSTRACT Traditional vector network analyzers have been limited to testing with continuous wave stimulus. Previously, it has not been possible to achieve vector error correction and phase measurement capabilities under pulsed-RF conditions. Now, with new improvements in I.P. detectors, testsets and system firmware, it is possible for a vector network analyzer to make these needed measurements. This paper will first cover the fundamentals of pulsed-RF waveforms. Then, three pulsed-RF measurement modes and their use with the HP851 OB will be presented. This will include a discussion of the new detectors, testset and firmware that makes possible these pulsed-RF measurements. Measurement examples will be used to illustrate typical test results of the pulsed-RF modes and the enhanced external triggering capabilities. AUTHORS John Barr received a BSEE from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1971, an MSEE in 1974 and an MSEngMngt in 1982 from Stanford University. He joined Hewlett-Packard in 1971 and is presently an R&D Project Manager at Network Measurements Division. John has been involved with development and design of RF / Microwave Vector Network Analyzers, such as HP8505 and HP8510A/B. Richard Grimmett received his BSEE from the University of Idaho in 1984. He joined Hewlett-Packard in 1984, and is currently an R&D engineer at Network Measurements Division. Richard has been involved with applications development on Microwave Synthesizers and Microwave Vector Network Analyzers. Roger N. McA1eenan received a BS degree in 1973 and an MS degree in 1975 from the University of Wyoming. He has been with Hewlett Packard since 1981, involved in systems consulting, sales support, and training. In 1985, he joined the Network Measurements Division as a marketing engineer and later as manager of an application group. 2 The vector network analyzer has traditionally been limited to measuring a IPUlSIE[D)-!R\f' M IEASURIEM lE~lS device-under-test (DUT) under a continuous wave (CW) stimulus. However, there are A~[D) lHIE HIP ~51(Ql1B

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