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Now downloading free:apple Lisa Dealer Presentation 1983

apple Lisa Dealer Presentation 1983 free download

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Why should your customers buy a Lisa? I-t comes from Apple Computer. L.isa Teehnology allows you to profit more f'rom all persOiraal computer functions faster t~han with any lother computer. lrhe Lisa's 32-1)it processor powers the only ~~oIDP-Iete and Jintegrated set of personal (:omputer applications. Lisa ~Ioes what ()ther pes do _ _ _ _ _ BE I I ER Lisa 4ctoes what lother pes do ___ TOGE I HER Lisa does what other pes ____ CANNOT DO liable of Contents COrporate Story ... 1 Target Ma.rket Profile ... n... 4 Product Description ... I)

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