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HP 5989-8909EN free download

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Agilent EEsof EDA Design and Measurement of a 400 MHz Frequency Synthesizer: Accuracy Proof This document is owned by Agilent Technologies, but is no longer kept current and may contain obsolete or inaccurate references. We regret any inconvenience this may cause. For the latest information on Agilent's line of EEsof electronic design automation (EDA) products and services, please go to: Eagleware PN 12 Design and Measurement of a 400 MHz Frequency Synthesizer: Accuracy Proof Product Note Design, simulation and measurement of a frequency synthesizer using a National Semiconductor LMX1501 IC. PN12 400 MHz PLL Design Example for the pre-selected components must Design and Measurement of a 400 be input to the program. All PLL input MHz Frequency Synthesizer prompts are shown in Figure 1. Synthesizer design is often a tradeoff between channel switching time, phase noise performance, and reference sideband suppression. For this reason, deciding on the best loop bandwidth and phase margin for a particular design is not always a simple matter. Eagleware's PLL program integrates traditional frequency domain analysis with true time domain transient simulation for quick evaluation of a variety of designs. Phase noise plots show each component's contribution to the total noise spectrum for easy identification of which blocks need improvement. In this product note, a frequency synthesizer tunable from 395 to 405 MHz is designed. The National Semiconductor LMX1501 synthesizer IC Figure 1: PLL Input Tabs is used with the following specifications:

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