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Now downloading free:Tektronix MDP User Group News V3N2 Sep84

Tektronix MDP User Group News V3N2 Sep84 free download

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FOREWORD A NEW INDEX FOR RANDOM ACCESS AND USER GROUP NEWS The pages of "USER GROUP NEWS" are now sequentially numbered (rom one issue to the next. Each index page we produce will contain the index ror all issues of the current volume. This will allow a Caster search Cor inCormation contained in the issues to date in the volume. The new index with each issue will contains all the inCormation of the pr~vious index plus the added index items Cor the current issue. For clarity, under each index item both the title and page number of the articles will be shown. All articles appearing in the "APPLICATIONS", "PRODUCT PERFORMANCE", and "USER GROUP LIBRARY ABSTRACTS" sections are additionally listed under index items of the same name. Thus iC you want to find a particular abstract item that was printed in the volume, but the issue is not known, simply look for the appropriate title under the index item "abstracts". CALL FOR ARTICLES If you have application articles or just some good ideas, we would like to print them in the Appli- cations Section and/or place them in the V,er Group Library Section of "USER GROUP NEWS". A submittal rorm is located at the end of the Abstracts Section for your convenience. ABOUT THE "USER GROUP LmRARY SECTION" We have collected a number or application programs since the last issue and we will make the programs reported in the User Group Library available through your Tektronix Applications Engineer. Each issue will report updates to the library and a separate total listing will be pro- duced annually. CONTENTS PRODUCT INFORMATION SECTION ... 49 V80186 AND V80188 SUPPORT SYSTEMS ... 49 8562 - LSI-ll/73 BASED SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM ... 50 CMOS 8086 8t, OTHER CMOS CHIP SUPPORT ... 51 NEW VERSION OF ICOM40 FOR VMS ..._ ... 51 NEW MANUALS ...-... i... 52 MDP SUPPORT OF THE TI SPR9000 SERIES ..._ ~._.~;n~.:.~.~...

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