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TOSHIBA hfe toshiba w-804 service en free download

VCR, VHS, tape drives service manuals and repair information

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Model:hfe toshiba w-804 service en 🔎
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Descr: TOSHIBA Video W-804 hfe_toshiba_w-804_service_en.pdf
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File name hfe_toshiba_w-804_service_en.pdf

FILE NO. 110-200009 SERVICE MANUAL NC MECHANICAL DECK VIDEO CASSETTE RECORDER W-804 General Descriptions General Descriptions Procedures Adjustment Procedures Servicing Diagrams Diagrams Parts List Parts List Jun., 2000 Y SAFETY NOTICE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS LEAKAGE CURRENT CHECK Plug the AC line cord directly into a 120V AC outlet (do Measure the AC voltage across the 1500 resistor. not use an isolation transformer for this check). Use an The test must be conducted with the AC switch on and AC Voltmeter, having 5000 per volt or more sensitiv- then repeated with the AC switch off. The AC voltage ity. Connect a 1500 10 W resistor, paralleled by a indicated by the meter may not exceed 0.3 V. A read- 0.15

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