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Now downloading free:HP 27114B CIO Parallel Interface Device Adapter ERS Sep89

HP 27114B CIO Parallel Interface Device Adapter ERS Sep89 free download

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* * * DRAFT * * * rh-;' HEWLETT ~~ PACKARD Rosevil1e Networks Division Location Code: 52-7560 Project Number: 27114B Septem ber 1, 1989 Project Manager: John McHugh Product Manager: Bill Wang Development Engineer: Pery Pearson Developrnen t Engineer: Thang Le Diagnostic Engineer: Bill Hoope.r Production Engineer: Ke.n Konesky Support Engineer: Dary Wong ... HP Confidential ... Copyright @ 1989 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY PREFACE Preliminary Revision 1. 0 11/14/88 Revision 2.001/27/89 EDITING HISTORY: 10/24/88: Outline of ERS (TL) 11/04/88: Preliminary description of registers (TL) 11/14188: Preliminary ERS (TL) 11/17/88: Correct A28/B28 pin swap mistake Correct set/reset definition for DEND and ATTN Add info about single-ended termination 12/08/88: General correction based on ERS review of 11/29 12/09/88: Change DEND/CEND on 27114B to PEND/HEND Define FP data to be non-inverted 01/20/89: Drop DIAG bit, invert sense of PZERO bit in reg7 to become NZERO bit, swap header blocks +/- 01/25/89: Define FP data to be inverted (comp. with 27114A) Clarification of EDGE and LOAD bits 03/28/89: Proof-read and corrections made for grammar and technical accuracy. NOTE: This document is strictly an external reference specification for the 2 7114B card. It only specifies what is seen and observable at its interface points: the CIO backplane and the parallel frontplane interface. For more information as how it operates in a system, the readers must confer with other documents: HP-CIO Standard Document, the respective driver's ERS etc ... Contrary to the expectation of some readers, this document is not intended to be used as an ERS for the GPIO product which consists of both a hardware (card) and a software (driver) product. As a product, some of the card's behaviors will be greatly influenced by how the driver is written. That kind of information is to be covered in another document which describes the hardware/software interaction. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the CIO standard (HP-CIO STANDARD DOCUMENT, Version 2.2 - Roseville Networks Division). JAN 89 vii This document is written in a format compatible with TDP's Manu formatter, requiring no special environments. It is currently available as a set of 12 files: afilers afi2ers afi3ers afi42ers afi43ers afi44ers afi46ers afi 4 7ers afi Sers afi 6ers afi 7ers afi 8ers JAN 89 vii ~IN_T_RO_D_U

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