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Now downloading free:HP HP-Catalog-1943-First

HP HP-Catalog-1943-First free download

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Original:HP-Catalog-1943-First 🔎
Descr: HP Publikacje HP-Catalog-1943-First.pdf
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HP Archive This vintage Hewlett Packard document was preserved and distributed by www. Please visit us on the web ! On-line curartor: Glenn Robb R E S E A R C H into the fields of electrical engineering, physics, chemistry and all phases of science is greatly aided by the use of modern electronic measuring devices. The accuracy with which measurements are made is the yardstick of progress. Time is always an important element. Thus, electronic instruments should com- bine speed of operation with accuracy. It was with this idea in mind that -hp- instruments were developed. In all -hp- instruments the accent is on speed combined with accuracy. Speed is obtained by simplicity of operation-accuracy by advanced design and con- struction. On the following pages is a comprehensive description of the -hp- instruments which are now in use by leading organizations throughout the country. Continual engineering and research in the -hp- laboratory is resulting in newer developments and addi- tional instruments to answer the increasing number of problems encountered in the field of electronic research and production. Revolutionary Resistance-Tuned P r i n c i p l e Provides Audio Frequency Oscillators With Many Outstanding Advantages T h e purpose of an Audio Oscillator is lator is much more stable and produces less to generate a stable signal which can be distortion than the common types of vari- accurately controlled. This signal is used able frequency audio oscillators on the to check the performance of audio ampli- market today. Low temperature coefficient fiers, broadcast t r a n s m i t t e r s and other elements in the resistance network keeps equipment. Minimum of distortion, low thermal drift at the very minimum. Further- thermal drift and constant output over a more, this thermal drift is not magnified as wide frequency range are attributes which is the case with the beat frequency oscillator. such instruments should possess. A unique balancing circuit automatically The -hp- Resistance-Tuned Audio Oscil- selects the proper operating point for the lator utilizes a network of resistors through oscillator and keeps the distortion at a low which regeneration is supplied. The effec- level a t all times. Thus no manual adjust- tive "Q' of this network is maintained in ment of the operating point is necessary. a high order by the negative feedback in The principles of this new development by the amplifier s

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