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IBM ET News Letter 1955 free download

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_~~E~.."'-::_~~_~~dteIz,_~ CUSTOMER ENGINEERING January 26, 1955 No. 15 TYPE BAR REST PAD Service calls resulting from the special anti-rebound type rest, part #1093882 or #1093883, jumping out of position can be minimized by using the following method. Install a type bar spring through retainer clip, part #1093670, and around the basket frame assembly. The use of a type bar spring on each side will not jeopardize the function of the type rest assembly. * * * * MODEL B PARTS IDENTIFICATION Tabular levers and escapement pawl bracket assemblies now have certain characteristics or contain markings which iden- tify the various pitches. The following illustrations are fur- nished to aid you in this identification. Solid Mounted Spri ng Mounted o Mork o Mark 1105638 1107791 1109640 (over) =======IBM======== E. T. News Letter No. 15 - Page 2 Tabular lever for 8-9-10 pitch machines, part #1105628, and escapement pawl bracket assembly for 14 - 5/32 pitch ma- chines, part #1070386, have no marking. * * * * OPERATIONAL CAM REMOVAL To facilitate removal of the tabular, space bar, back space, and carriage return cams from Standard ET's the following method may be employed: 1. front cover. 2. Remove cam knockout bar assembly. 3. Remove key lever fulcrum wire sufficiently to drop all key levers in the area of the cam to be removed. 4. Disconnect operating links from the cam to be removed. 5. Remove operational cam fulcrum wire. 6. Spread the appropriate key levers and remove cam out through the top of the machine. . Because of interference with the margin set key lever, the shift cam must be removed in the normal manner. * * * * DEFECTIVE MATERIAL From time to time, defective E T parts are returned to the plant on an RMER. As stated in CEM #383, all defective parts returned to Poughkeepsie are to be tagged with a De- fective Parts Card, IBM 910821. * * * * E. T. News Letter No. 15 - Page 3 CEM CHANGE CE M #390 erroneously refers to Lift Platen under "PURPOSE" and "MACHINES AFFECTED". Since the rear rail parts of Model B Lift Platen typewriters are similar to the Model A, rebound check lever mounting bracket, part #1072086, must be used. * * * * NEWS LETTER ITEMS ET News Letter #1 requested that comments be directed to ET "News Letter", Poughkeepsie. We solicit your ideas and appreciate your efforts i

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