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Now downloading free:apple Inside Macintosh Promotional Edition 1985

apple Inside Macintosh Promotional Edition 1985 free download

Washing Machines service manual and repair instructions

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Inside Macintosh," Promotional Edition A Letter from the Macintosh Developers Group 15 March 1985 Dear Reader: After many months of work the Macintosh Division's User Education Group (responsible for all the Macintosh documentation) has completed the manuscript for Inside Macintosh. We've finalized production arrangements with a major publisher and you can expect to see the final edition at better bookstores everywhere by late summer '85. However, we can't wait that long and don't expect you to either. We've therefore produced this special Promotional Edition to handle the demand for Inside Macintosh until the final edition becomes available. The contents of this edition are still preliminary and subject to change; the final edition will include many updates and corrections. The production quality of the final edition will be significantly improved from this inexpensive edition. Now, here are answers to some questions we anticipate: Q. I purchased the three-ring binder version of Inside Macintosh from your mail-house for $100 and also bought the Software Supplement for $100. Is this Promotional Edition the final copy I'm supposed to receive for purchasing the Software Supplement? A. No. As promised, Supplement owners will receive a copy of the final version when it's available. Q. How can I get Macintosh developer utilities, example programs, example source code, the libraries I need to do Lisa Pascal/Macintosh cross-development work, and additional copies of this manual? A.The Software Supplement consists of: 1) useful Macintosh utilities, example programs, and example source code, 2) the interface files, equate files, and trap definitions in both Macintosh and Lisa readable format, 3) all of the libraries required for Lisa Pascal/Macintosh cross-development, 4) a new Lisa Pascal Compiler, which supports SANE numerics, and 5) a copy of the final published edition of Inside Macintosh (this will be sent to you when available). The price for the Software Supplement is $100. As of April '85 the Software Supplement has been frozen to correspond to Inside Macintosh and automatic updates will no longer be included in the Software Supplement price. We will, however, inform Supplement owners of other products and utilities as they become available. You may also order additional copies of this special Promotional Edition of Inside Macintosh for $25 per copy. You can order the Software Supplement and/or copies of this Promotional Edition of Inside Macintosh by writing to (California residents please add 6.5% sales tax) : Apple Computer, Inc. 467 Saratoga Avenue Suite 621 San Jose, CA 95129 (408) 988-6009 Q. Is there a good way to keep up-to-date with new utilities and technical notes and at the same time stay in touch with other develo

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