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Tektronix 1964SC free download

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USEFUL INFORMATION FOR USERS OF TEKTRONIX INSTRUMENTS NUMBER 24 PRINTED I N u . 5 . ~ F E B R U A R Y 1964 er, Accessory Infrod~{cfion Tlie conventional current transformer with in the spnce between tlie inner and o u t e ~ Modern technology requires measurement 1;imin;~tetl core (Ref. 2) is useful up to contluctor of n coaxial transmission line c a p a l ~ ~ l l t ~ Ini the f ~ a c t ~ o n a n.wosecond c l a few kc. Tlie tape \vourid version extends of impedance Z, (Figure 1 ) . For simplic- (lo-' second) a1 ex D ~ o d e s\T 1t1i sn ~tclimg tlie frequency response :md phase correla- ity only lialf of the IcngLh\vise section is t~mes \\ell under 100 p ~ o s e c o n d s(lo-'' sec- tion to approsinlately 100 Icc. represented. The H (magnetic) field will o n d ) :uid transistors n ~ t l if t (cut off ire- If the design of a current transformer terminate in a current sheath J in the eir- quenc) ) of over 1000 Mc nl c presently a\ all- is based on a T E M (Transverse Electro- cular winding able Tlie s a m p l ~ n g oscilloscope prov~des ;In magnetic Mode) approach however, the (Curl I l = + J since excellent tool f o r tlie ol~servat~on these of Insic f requcncy limitations are overcome b t and fractional nanosecond speeds can be inside the Ivinding .'. curl H = J.) phenomena provided the signals are pre- nchieved. sented in a 5On characteristic impetl:mcc Also, since H is proportional to I, then system. Ilowever, it is \cry seldom that $5 = I and a current I will flow in one can load a circuit with 50 either in Tlzc TEjlI Czirrcjzt Trnusforii~er Z, for a single turn winding. A t X3 the parallel or in series without disturbing it A single turn circular xitiding is inserted current I in the single turn winding will beyond use. Therefore, one has to provide means to extract the voltage and current waveforms from the circuit ~vithout dis- turbing the circuit to any great extent. T h e output of this device should present, to the sampling oscilloscope, an undistorted sig- nal on a 50 n level. I n tlie case of voltage measureme

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