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Now downloading free:Samsung LE37M86BDX SI 1274956623

Samsung LE37M86BDX SI 1274956623 free download

LCD television

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Model:LE37M86BDX SI 1274956623 🔎
Original:LE37M86BDX SI 1274956623 🔎
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File name LE37M86BDX_SI_1274956623.pdf

LCD TV MOSEL TRAINING MANUAL Agenda I. Understanding of LCD TV II. Inside of MOSEL Model III. Board description IV. Disassembly V. Trouble Shooting VI. Attachment . Understanding of LCD TV UNDERSTANDING OF LCD TV . Understanding of LCD TV CONTENTS I. LCD TV advantage II. Basic theory of LCD PANEL III. Basic block of LCD TV IV. Basic block of main PBA V. What is scaler? VI. TV signal types VII. TV connector types . Understanding of LCD TV LCD TV Advantage High Sharpness, Resolution Thin and Light ( 40 Inch is 5cm thickness ) Low Power Consumption Real HDTV Long Life . Understanding of LCD TV Basic Theory Of LCD PANEL A) Lamp Make Light B) TFT Adjust LCD Array C) LCD Array can Adjust Light amount (Like Camera Iris ) D) Color Filter Make RGB Color A) B) C) D) A) Back Light B) TFT C) LCD D) Color Filter . Understanding of LCD TV Basic Block of LCD TV D e v e lo pe m e nt P a r t L C D P ane l D ig ital A /D C o nv erte r S ig nal G rap h ic S ig nal P ro ce s s o r (IM A G E S C A L E R ) A nalo g / D ig ital SM PS S ig nal A udio A n a lo g R F /V I D E O /S _V I D E O /P C ... D ig ta l H D M I /D V I . Understanding of LCD TV Basic Block of Main PBA B o D agram l ck i Anal og Par t Di gi tal Par t ( PC ) AC D I MG AE LV S D RF SC LE A R VI DEO S- VI DEO Vdo i e LCD SCART AC D PN A EL D co e e dr +5V P I n rte ve r O +3. 3V Mi com

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