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File name:SymTabDefs.mesa_Oct77.pdf
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Size:76 kB
Model:SymTabDefs.mesa Oct77 🔎
Original:SymTabDefs.mesa Oct77 🔎
Descr: xerox mesa 3.0_1977 listing SymTabDefs.mesa_Oct77.pdf
Group:Electronics > Other
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File name SymTabDefs.mesa_Oct77.pdf

symtabdefs.mESA 24-0CT-77 18:55:07 P<.lgo 1 -- file SymTabDefs.Mesa -- last modified by Satterthwaite, August 16, 1977 11:22 AM DIRECTORY StringDefs: FROM "stringdefs", SymDefs: FROM "symdefs"; SymTabDefs: DEFINITIONS = 8EGIN OPEN SymDefs; -- implemented by Symbol Table -- hash manipulation FindString: PROCEDURE [StringDefs.SubString] RETURNS [found: BOOLEAN, hti: HTIndex]; hashforse: PROCEDURE [ISEIndex] RETURNS [HTIndex]; hashvalue: PROCEDURE [StringDefs.SubString] RETURNS [HVIndex]: SubStringForHash: PROCEDURE [StringDefs.SubString, HTIndex]; -- context management firstctxse: PROCEDURE [CTXIndex] RETURNS [ISEIndex]; nextse: PROCEDURE [ISEIndex] RETURNS [ISEIndex]: searchcontext: PROCEDURE [hti: HTIndex, ctx: CTXIndex] RETURNS [found: BOOLEAN, sei: ISEIndex]; -- type manipulation undertype: PROCEDURE [SEIndex] RETURNS [CSEIndex]; typeclass: PROCEDURE [SEIndex] RETURNS [TypeClass]: xfermode: PROCEDURE [SEIndex] RETURNS (TransferMode]; wordsfortype, cardinality: PROCEDURE [SEIndex] RETURNS [CARDINAL]; -- implemented by SymTab (extensions for building tables) symtabinit, symtaberase: PROCEDURE; -- hash manipulation EnterString: PROCEDURE [StringDefs.SubString] RETURNS [HTIndex]; hashblock: PROCEDURE RETURNS [base: POINTER, length: CARDINAL]; -- context management nextlevel: PROCEDURE [ContextLevel] RETURNS [ContextLevel]; makenewctx: PROCEDURE [ContextLevel] RETURNS [CTXIndex]; resetctxlist: PROCEDURE [CTXIndex]: ctxentries: PROCEDURE [CTXIndex] RETURNS [CARDINAL]; firstvisiblese: PROCEDURE[CTXIndex] RETURNS [ISEIndex]: visiblectxentries: PROCEDURE [CTXIndex] RETURNS [CARDINAL]; contextvariant: PROCEDURE [CTXIndex] RETURNS [ISEIndex]: StaticNestError: SIGNAL; fnfield: PROCEDURE [ISEIndex] RETURNS [offset: bitaddress, size: CARDINAL]: makectxse: PROCEDURE [hti: HTIndex, ctx: CTXlndex] RETURNS [ISEIndex]: makenonctxse: PROCfDURE [CARDINAL] RETURNS [CSEIndex]; makeSECha in: PROCfDURE [CTXlndex, CARDINAL, ROOLfAN] RETURNS [ISEIndex]; fillctxse: PROcrOURE [ISETndex, HTTndex, ROOLEAN]; NameCl ash: STGNAl [ht i: tHTndex]; setselink: !1RocrouRr [sei, next: TSEIndex]; -- type manipulation typerool: PROCrOURr [SrTndex] RrTURNS [CSrTndex]: lypellnk: PRocrouRr [SrIndex] RrTURNS [SEIndex]; recordl ink, recordrool: PROC[f)URr [recordCSrTndex] RfTURNS [recordCS[Tndex]: -- atlrlbute tesling ConslanlId: PROCff)URr [TSETndex] RrTURNS [BOOI rAN]: symtabdefs.mESA 24-QCT-77 18:66:07 Page 2 END

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