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Now downloading free:ncr NCR Short-Form Catalog Apr85

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elS- Microelectronics / " / NCR Microelectronics Short-Form Catalog-1985 \ \ \ \ \ NCR Microelectronics NCR, a multi-billion-dollar manufac- Colorado Spri ngs, Colorado turer of computer systems, terminal ! products, and semiconductors, es- tablished its first microelectronics labo- ratory in 1963 to stay abreast of the emerging semiconductor technology. The laboratory was expanded in 1966 to provide limited quantities of proto- type microcircuits designed for use in a number of new products. By 1968 the first MOS circuits were produced, and by 1970 a complete family of cir- cuits had been designed, produced in prototype quantities, and incorporated into new NCR products. Based upon knowledge gained in this research and confidence in the ultimate advan- tages of MOS, the decision was made to expand the internal production ca- Fort Collins, Colorado pability. In 1971, the Miamisburg, Ohio plant was completed. To meet internal demand, NCR ex- panded its microelectronics operation in 1975 with the addition of a second production facility in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and in 1979 added a third facility in Ft. Collins, Col- orado. The Colorado Springs facility was replaced in 1982 by a new plant occupying 100,000 square feet. This new plant is one of the most modern, best-equipped facilities of its kind any- where. NCR Microelectronics manufactures state-of-the-art NMOS, CMOS, and non-volatile SNOS components which provide a competitive advantage to its Miamisburg, Ohio computer systems and terminal prod- uct lines. In mid-1981 NCR announced its entry into the merchant semiconductor mar- ket. The strength and discipline gained in 10 years of internal supply is now being made available to our customers. This experience, together with a family of innovative products and services, establishes NCR as a leading supplier of semiconductor devices and services. Copyright

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