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Read This First I Contents of Package II elaseal and ToolKit This guide .ill serve as an overvie. o~ the documents contained in Package II. Please read this entire guide before you start reading the docu.ents. Contents: .. Summary of Contents Packaging and Release Infor..tion Clascal Docllll8l1tation - ToolKit Se~s (I self-paced ToolKit course) ToolKit Reference Hanual Debuooing ToolKit Applications Using Phrase Files ToolKit Flo. of Control Diagr. . - ToolKit Interfaces Building Blocks Lisa User Interfeoe Guidelines Converting fr. TK7D to the Finel ToolKit A lord About Cross-Referencing 5ee1\ON '/p.' Packaging and Release Infol1l8tion 1. In thI, package you IhoUld have the followIng piece,: I. In~tallition Instruction~ b. The Introduction to Hanual. c. Clascal Syntax Diagr_. d. The Lisa ToolKit Self-Paced Training. e. The Lisa Applications ToolKit Reference "anual. f. Hore on Debugging. g. A Phrase File ~t h. A Printing Document i. A Class Hierarchy DocuMent j. lIlbject, lIlr., and ~ interfaces. k. lIlialog docunentation .-.d interface. 1. UText docl.IIIentation" and interface for UText. and WnivText.. . . m.lfstings of SamPle"ToolKit progra.6 n. DocllRentation on converting frOlll older versions of the ToolKit to ToolKit 3. O. o. Icon editor documentation. p. lisa User Interface 6uidelines. q. Lisa Internals. r. A Flow of Control DiagraM (poster). s. Five (5) ToolKit Release Diskettes. 2. To use the ToolJCit, you need to have the folltMfing: a. A one _gabyte Lisa with A least one 5 t1egabyte profile. Two 5 t1egabyte profiles or one built-in 10 t1egabyte hard disk is better. Ie stronoly discourage using just one 5 t1egabyte profile; a single profile leaves very little space 1n which to work. b. The Lisa Office Syst., version 3. o. c. The lisa hrkshop develOpMent environMnt. version 3. o. 3. ToolKit 3. 0 HelHSe Notes.. This IIeIK) describes the ToolKit release you were sent and how to

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