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Now downloading free:HP Architecturally Fixed Object Numbers Dec82

HP Architecturally Fixed Object Numbers Dec82 free download

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Descr: HP vision Architecturally_Fixed_Object_Numbers_Dec82.pdf
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rliDl HEWLETT ~~ PACKARD COMPUTER SYSTEMS DIVISION -19441 Pruneridge Road, Cupertino, California 95014, Telephone (408) 725-8111 FROM: Carol Jonas DATE: 12/3/82 Chris Mayo TO: Bert Speelpenning SUBJECT: Architecturally fixed object numbers. Cc:Barbara Jacobson File: fixedobj.jonas HPE I PMs and PLs HPE I/O PMs and PLs Shane Dickey Ken Spalding Dave Anderson Dave Salomaki Arne Bergh After publishing the first memo regarding reserved group zero logical objects, we received a request to fix an object number for the Group 0 ODT itself. Fixing the Group 0 ODT is important for system performance. We have decided to use group zero logical object 6 for the ODT. The trap and interrupt handlers, then, move down one to group zero logical objects 1 through 11. The following page shows a tabularization of the currently reserved group zero objects. Reserved objects: la va name type use allocation 0.1.0 1 0 SYSCOM DATA h/w & s/w 1 page minimum on conununication system startup 0.2.0 2 0 SOFT\iARE DATA s/w conununication 1 page on system startup 0.3.0 3_0 PDIR DATA the page table size based on physical memory size allocated on system startup It_O HASH DATA the hash table size based on physical memory size allocated on system startup 0

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