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An Annotated Bibliography on Local Computer Networl{s (preliminary edition) by John F. Shoch SSL-79-5 May 1979 Preface: This bibliography brings together a wide range of material related to the general area of local computer networking. Many of the individual entries have been supplemented with brief annotations, to help identify some of the salient characteristics of particular designs. In addition, the references are preceded with an overall guide or taxonomy that establishes a structure for considering local networks, and which can serve as a useful means to locate particular articles. The taxonomy, references, and annotations in this preliminary edition are in a continual state of evolution. Suggestions for additions would be very welcome, as would corrections, comments, or criticisms of the Cllrrent material. Please address any comments to John Shoch, at the address listed below, CR Categories: 3.81. Key words and phrases: Local networks, computer communication, pad~et switching. vER

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