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Accounting for Antenna and MIMO Channel Effects Using Agilent SystemVue Application Note Introduction The Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) technique was introduced to address the growing demand for higher data-rate applications in communication standards like 3G, WLAN, WiMAXTM. In MIMO systems, both the radio channel propagation conditions and antenna characteristics influence the end user's quality-of-service (QoS). MIMO channel models, with the ability to simulate the multipath fading that incorporates antenna patterns, are therefore important. Agilent SystemVue offers a MIMO Channel Builder that provides just such a capability. This application note discusses two MIMO channel models, namely geometry-based and correlation-based models, which were realized using Agilent's W1715 MIMO Channel Builder, to show how antenna effects and channel characteristics are coupled in the channel models. It will also present some MIMO Channel Builder applications as a means of describing how to use the models step-by-step and apply them in system simulation and measurements. MIMO Channel Modeling Approaches Agilent SystemVue MIMO Channel Builder consists of a geometry-based WINNER II MIMO channel model that is standards compliant, and a correlation-based MIMO channel model that is flexible enough for user customization. Approach 1 The WINNER II channel model is a geometry-based stochastic model. [1] It also Geometry-based Stochastic called a double directional channel model. The model does not explicitly specify the Channel Modeling locations of the scatters, but rather the directions of the rays, like the well-known Spatial Channel Model (SCM). [2] Both IMT-advances and consequently, LTE- Advanced, apply this kind of model as the MIMO channel model for performance tests. Geometry-based modeling of the radio channel enables separation of propaga- tion parameters and antennas. The time variant impulse response matrix of the UxS MIMO channel is given by N H (t ; ) = H n (t ; ) n =1 where t is time, is delay, N is the number of paths, and n is path index. The impulse response matrix is composed of the antenna array resp

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