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Now downloading free:xerox KeyDefs.mesa Oct77

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File name:KeyDefs.mesa_Oct77.pdf
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Size:56 kB
Model:KeyDefs.mesa Oct77 🔎
Original:KeyDefs.mesa Oct77 🔎
Descr: xerox mesa 3.0_1977 listing KeyDefs.mesa_Oct77.pdf
Group:Electronics > Other
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keydEFS.mESA 24-0CT-77 18:30:50 Page 1 -- File: KeyDefs.Mesa Modified by: Johnsson, August I, 1977 8:11 AM KeyDefs: DEFINITIONS = BEGIN updown: TYPE = {down, up}: KeyArray: TYPE = ARRAY [0 .. 5) OF WORD: KeyBits: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [ blank: [0 .. 377B], Keysetl,Keyset2,Keyset3,Keyset4,Keyset5: updown, Red,Blue,Yellow: updown, Five,Four,Six,E,Seven,D,U,V, Zero,K,Dash,P,Slash,BackSlash,LF,BS: updown, Three,Two,W,Q,S,A,Nine,I, X,O,L,Comma,Quote,RightBracket,Spare2,Sparel: updown, One,ESC,TAB,F,Ctrl,C,J,B, Z,LeftShift,Period,SemiColon,Return,Arrow,DEL,FL3: updown, R,T,G,Y,H,Eight,N,M, Lock,Space,LeftBracket,Equal,RightShift,Spare3,FL4,FR5: updown]: Keys: POINTER TO KeyBits = LOOPHOLE[177033B]: MouseButton: TYPE = {RedYellowBlue, RedBlue, RedYellow, Red, BlueYellow, Blue, Yellow, None}: MouseBits: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [ blank: [O .. 377B], -- Diablo, Versatec, etc. keyset: [0 .. 37B], -- 0 =) down, i.e. normal state is 37B buttons: MouseButton]: -- 0=) down, normal is 7B = MouseButton[None] Mouse: POINTER TO MouseBits LOOPHOLE[Keys]: KeyName: TYPE = { xO, xl, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, Keyset1,Keyset2,Keyset3,Keyset4,Keyset5, Red,Blue,Yellow, Five,Four,Six,E,Seven,D,U,V, Zero,K,Dash,P,Slash,BackSlash,LF,BS, Three,Two,W,Q,S,A,Nine,I, X,O,L,Comma,Quote,RightBracket,Spare2,Sparel, One,ESC,TAB,F,Ctrl,C,J,B, Z,LeftShift,Period,SemiColon,Return,Arrow,DEL,FL3, R,T,G,Y,H,Eight,N,M, Lock,Space,LeftBracket,Equal,RightShift,Spare3,FL4,FR5}: -- Alto II names for some keys can be different FL1: KeyName = DEL: FL2: KeyName = LF: BW: KeyName = Sparel: FR1: KeyName Spare3: FR2: KeyName BackSlash: FR3: KeyName = Arrow: FR4: KeyName = Spare2: KeyItem: TYPE = RECORD [ Le t te,': BOOLEAN, ShiftCode: [0 .. 177B], NormalCode: [0 .. 377B]]: ChangeKey: PROCEDURE [key: KeyName, action: Keyltem] RETURNS [oldAction: KeyItem]: END.

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