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Fluke 5700a mveng0000 free download

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Instrument Security Procedures Model: Fluke 5700A Product Name: Multi-Function Calibrator Instrument Description: 5-function calibrator Memory Description: The Fluke 5700A Multi-Function Calibrator contains two types of storage media. The first is a flash-based storage media and the second is random access memory (RAM). Flash Memory: The flash memory used in the 5700A is a physically block structured device. It contains three (3) separate blocks. The first block is a special purpose block intended to hold a small boot loader. It's used for that purpose within the 5700A. The boot loader software was designed and maintained by the Fluke Corporation and is preprogrammed into the flash device for us by the vendor. The boot loader flash memory can't be easily changed or reconfigured without special programming equipment. It's considered by Fluke to be permanent. If it were tampered with, or otherwise changed, by anyone other than qualified software engineer equipped with supporting documentation from Fluke, and external programming hardware, the calibrator would cease to function. The second block contains the application software for the 5700A. It's programmed by Fluke but is otherwise subject to the same stringent restrictions as the boot code. Additionally, a checksum is generated and compared on power-up to insure that no changes to this code have occurred. The third block is logically partitioned, by the software, into two (2) mini-blocks. The first contains the calibration constants for the instrument. The second contains all nonvolatile configuration data for the instrument. Calibration Constants: Calibration constants are double precision floating-point numbers. These numbers are used by the instrument during normal operations to achieve its rated output accuracy. Each calibration constant (CCO) has a default value and a limit. Most limits are within a few percent of the default value. It's impossible to set a calibration constant to a number outside of its limit. Calibration constants can't be accessed directly by a user. They can be changed during a calibration process. Theoretically, someone could run a calibration procedure and store 5700A SOMV 1 of 3 11/21/2006 numerically encoded data in the calibration constants. The limits on many of them would obviously complicate the process though. Non-Volatile Configuration Data: Non-Volatile configuration data contains user settings like IEEE address, serial port configuration, calibration dates, etc. It also contains a string of a maximum of 63 characters. The string is an IEEE 488.2 standard and is set using the <*PUD> command. It's queried using the <*

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