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Now downloading free:HP HP-Catalog-1966-1967

HP HP-Catalog-1966-1967 free download

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Original:HP-Catalog-1966-1967 🔎
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HP Archive This vintage Hewlett Packard document was preserved and distributed by www. Please visit us on the web ! On-line curator: Glenn Robb HEWLETT PACKARD TO USE THE INDEX OF EL ECTRONIC MEASURING EQUIPMENT Refer to the opposite page, find the classification of interest, and turn to the appropriate page. Equipment descriptions are necessarily concise, with some specifications stated only at their optimum'' c point, etc. Complete technical information may be readily obtained from the Hewlett-Packard office nearest you (listed on inside back cover). The field engineer there will promptly send a data sheet, and will gladly discuss your specific application requirements. TO FIND OUT ABOUT HEWLETT-PACKARU please lift this page. From research-and-development laborator- for chemical and nuclear measurement. ies and manufacturing facilities throughout To assure concentrated effort in develop- the free world come Hewlett-Packard elec- ing true state-of-the-art measuring tools, trcnic measuring instruments ...carefully plus specialized manufacturing experience designed and built to provide you with the and know-how that assures instrument qual- greatest possible usefulness, accuracy, con- ity and reliability, Hewlett-Packard is organ- venience, dependability and dollar value. ized into the product-centered divisions and N o w i n its second quarter-century of affiliates Iisted below. growth, Hewlett-Packard is recognized as And to provide complete applications as- a major progressive source of instrumenta- sistance and after-sale back-up, Hewlett- tionoffering astandard of quality unmatched Packard has more than 100 field engineering i n the electronic test equipment field. offices situated around the world. The inside Hewlett-Packard is also a leading supplier back cover lists nearby offices serving your of medical diagnostic and patient moni- area; give the field engipeers there a call toring equipment, as well as instruments next time you have a measurement need. COLORADO SPRINGS DIVISION Colorado Springs, Colorado-Oscilloscopes, pulse generators and related instruments. DYMEC DIVISION Palo Alto, California-Digital data acquisition and processing instruments and systems, plus specialized test equipment for other applications. F & M SCIENTIFIC DIVISION Avondale, Pennsylvania-Gas chromatographs, C-H-N analyzers, osmometers, viscometers and other equipment for chemical measurements. FREQUENCY & TIME DIVISION " Palo Alto, California-Electronic

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