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Descr: Tektronix TEK CTS850 Test Set Reference func_4b.PDF
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Functional Overview This section describes how to use and navigate through the basic functions of the CTS850, including: H Controls, indicators, and connectors H Elements of the display H Menu structure H On-line help H Connecting signals H Parameter selection and editing H Disk drive operation This section also details conceptual information important to the use of the CTS 850, in particular: H Difference between Synchronous, Plesiochronous, and Asynchronous H PDH Hierarchy H Definitions Anomaly, Defect, Failure and Alarm H SDH Multiplexing Principles H Difference between Add/Drop, Map/Demap and Multplex/ Demultiplex H 45 Mb/s Map/Demap Implementation CTS850 SDH/PDH Test Set User Manual 2 1 Functional Overview Front-Panel Controls, Indicators, and Connectors Figures 2 1 and 2 2 identify the controls, indicators, and connectors located on the front panel of the CTS850 SDH/PDH Test Set. These buttons assign the displayed choice to the selected parameter or execute the selected action. CTS850 SDH Test Set ON/STBY switch These buttons select the pages of the current menu. Figure 2 1:Controls Located Around the Display 2 2 CTS850 SDH/PDH Test Set User Manual Functional Overview Each of these buttons performs Disk drive a specific function. The knob is 2 Mb/s Balanced primarily used Connectors to highlight (optional) parameters within pages. STATUS LOS LOF SIGNAL PRESENT PATTERN LOCK Status Lights 2 Mb/s, 8 Mb/s, LOP These buttons OOF LSS PDH AIS select one of MS AIS PDH RDI

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