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Now downloading free:HP HP-Bench-Briefs-1982-05-06

HP HP-Bench-Briefs-1982-05-06 free download

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ai Many instruments use a large-face meter similar to the one shown in H Figure 1. In troubleshooting your Iueu instrument, you may get into the WlLl I Cat=UUII III I C 1 situation where there is a question whether the meter is providing the Replacements correct response. Indications may range from low readings through intermittent readings to no read- Test Procedure in 1. Hook up the meter as shown in Figure 2. The connections must be secure to avoid inaccurate test results. This Logistics Data Book (formerly "Blue Book") is designed to assist Hewlett-Packard customers with their logistics needs associated with the support of HP products. There are five main sections to this publication, in the form of cross in- Figure 2. Test setup to check for an dexes as listed below. intermittent meter. 0 H P model numbers to military nomenclature a n d to n a t i onal Figure 1. 2. Set the oscilloscope to DC, the stock numbers. sweep to 0.5 milliseconds/ Military nomenclature to H P division, and the vertical sen- model numbers. The following quick test will deter- sitivity to 1voltldivision. mine if the internal connections of National stock numbers to H P the meter are mechanically secure, 3. The scope should indicate a 5- model numbers. and at the same time increase the volt DC level. If not, then the Provisioning: H P model numbers confidence level of the meter per- meter is defective and should be to contracts. formance during troubleshooting replaced. procedures.

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