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Component-Level Information Packet for HP 3458A Digital Multimeter DO IT YOURSELF COMPONENT LEVEL REPAIRS HISTORY OF COMPONENT LEVEL INFORMATION PACKETS (CLIPS) In the early 1980's, Hewlett-Packard made an cmler of magnitude improvement in the qualify and reliability of HP Digital MuLlimc:lcn:, These improvcmcnlS resulted from an HP-widc objective of. XIOqualily ImptoYcment in hardware prcxlUCI.$. HP DMMs introduced du ring the 1980s have very low (ailure rale5 ;u a result 0( the reliability improvemc:nts. This dramatic improvement in (ailure ratescallSed HP 10 change from I tOCI'IponenL level I'Cpilir strategy loan assembly level repai r siralegy on most new products including the HP 3458A. Assemb ly level repair is more cost erfwive. Customers, such as the US Armed Forces, request component level doc\Imenl.S enabling thcm 10 do their own componcnllevel repairs. For this reason, HP provides Component Level lnfonnation Packets (CU PS) on selected products Including the HP 34S8A. The HP 3458A CUP contains the following documents: 1) schematics, 2) component Iocato" Ind 3) pat1S lists for each printed circuit assembly. HP 3458A REPAIR STRATEGY The HP 34S8A Syste m DMM repair strategy is assembly replacement (or las expensive a55Cmblies and assembly exchange for more expensive assemblies. Assembly I:Khangc requires diagn05is offailure to the assembly level and exchange oCthe failed asse mbly tor a rebuilt assembly. H P does no t support HP Repair CenteiS or HP cllStomen In doing HP 34S8A co mponent level repain. Copyright c 1989 Hewlett-Packard Company HP Document Part Number 03458-90033 Printed December 1989 Printed in USA HEWLETT PACKARD HP3458A COMPONENT LEVEL INFORMATION PACKAGE DO IT YOURSELF COMPONENT LEVEL REPAIRS In the early 1980s, Hewlett-Packard made an order of magnitude improvement in the quality and reliability of HP Digital Multimeters. These improvements resulted from an l'lP-wide objective of a X10 quality improvement in hardware products. HP DMMs introduced during the 1980s have very low failure rates as a result of the reliability improvements. This dramatic improvement in failure rates caused HP to change

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