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Now downloading free:xerox 19770809 Mail Update To Mesa FTP Specification

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Inter-Office Memorandum To Distdbution Date 9 August 71 From Jim White Location Palo Alto Subject Mail Update to Mesa FTP Specification Organization SDD/SO/es XEROX XEtaX SDD ARCHIVES I have read and undelstood Filed on: OD~!>co Introduction This memo updates the interface specification for the mail portion of the Mesa FTP Package proposed in the author's memo, "Mesa FTP Specification", dated 15 June 77. This new interface specification corresponds to the new Mail Transfer Protocol specification contained in Ed Taft's memo, "Pup Mail Transfer Protocol (Edition 3)", dated 13 July 77. Already Proposed Support Procedures The mail application requires certain general purpose program management, connection management. and file access procedures already proposed for FTP. These procedures are enumerated below; the reader is referred to the complete Mesa FTP specification for a detailed description of their use: FTPMukeUser: PROCEDURE RETURNS [ftpuser: FTPUser]; Fl'POpenConnection: PROCEDURE [ftpuser: FTPUser, host: STRING, purpose: Purpose]; Purpose: TYPE = {files. mail, filesandmail}; FTPSetAccessibleDirectory: PROCEDURE [ftpuser: FTPUser, directoryid: Directoryld, directory, password: STRING]; Directoryld: TYPE = {primary, secondary}; FTPCloseConnection: PROCEDURE [ftpuser: FTPUser]; FTPDestroyUser: PROCED.URE [ftpuser: FTPUser]; Newly Proposed Mail Procedures The FTP Package provides procedures for delivering or forwarding mail to and extracting mail from remote mailboxes. Rather than signalling the presence of exceptional condilions, each of these procedures returns a numeric error code as one of its results. (Note that the Sl.lpport procedures described above, on the other hand, signal when exceptional conditions arise.) The following error codes are currently defined: Mail Update to Mesa FTP Specification 2 MailErrorCode: TYPE = {ok, noValidRecipients, noDiskSpace, noSuchMailbox. accessDcnied, noMoreMessages, noMoreBlocks}: Mail Delivery The FrP Package provides three procedures for delivering or forwarding mail to remote mai

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