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Now downloading free:Samsung samsung cs-29k3 ch.ks7a 527

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File name samsung_cs-29k3_ch.ks7a_527.pdf

DIGITAL TELEVISION RECEIVER Chassis : KS7A(P) REV.1 Model : CS29K3MHUX/HAC CS29M6PQVX/TAW SERVICE Manual COLOR TELEVISION RECEIVER CONTENTS 1. Specifications 2. Alignment and Adjustments 3. Exploded Views and Parts List 4. Electrical Parts List 5. PCB Diagram 6. Schematic Diagrams Specifications 1. Specifications Count ry INDEX Or igin Mark Made in Local Country(Fact ory) or Made By Samsung C ol o r PAL/SECAM/NTSC4 . 43/NTSC3. 58(NTSC3.58 is option) , ( SECAM-L' , L is option) demodulat ion Sound Quas i - s p l i t ( Related t o VCTI) receving way Sound F Vi rt ual Dol by/Nicam/St ereo/Line St ereo demodulat ion I Ant enna 75ohmDin - Jack( V/U) X E C hannel s earch Pr ogrammable F/S D C hnnel numbers 100 CH PROGRAM MEMORY Eas t - As ia, Middle- East As ia , Afr ica( 100V ~ 260V ) , I nput voltage Cis ( 160V ~ 300V) , Europe( 230V) , 240V Po wer Input 50/60H z fr e quency Power STR Fr ee Vol t ( X6757) , Single Volt ( X6750) Pow er insulat ion SMPS/C LD O U Recei vi ng ( P/G ) C H V F: 2 ~ 13, U F: 14 ~ 69, C TV: S1~S41 H H A n BRAND / BUYER SAMSUNG/Depend on t he Buyer f i S afet y Depend on t he count ry x Pow er cord/ e CP2/No( 4. 0) , AP 2/Yes , EP2/No Polar it y d * 2T- PI P/1T- PI P/ No PIP * ANT display( Opt ion) Cha r act e r * DNIe Jr ( Opt ion) * FM Radio(Opt ion) Samsung Electronics 1-1

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