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Tektronix 5440 free download

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1 T EKT R O N IX 1 saao OSCILLOSCOPE 1 N ST RU CTIO N M A NU A L I Tektronix, Inc. .. Box 500 Beaverton, Oregon 97077 Serial Nu m ber 070-2139-01 F irst P ri nti ng APR 1976 W A RR A N TY All T EK T R O N IX instrume n ts are warra n ted agai n st d efective materials and wor k ma n s h ip fo r one year . Any questions wit h res p ect to t h e warranty s h oul d be ta k en up wit h yourTE K T R O N IX F ield E ngineeror represe n tative . All re q uests for repairs and re p lacement parts s h ould be d irecte d to t h e T EK T R O N IX F iel d Office or re pr ese n tative in you r area . T h is will assure you t h e fastest p ossible service . P lease i n clu d e t h e instrument Type Number or P art N um b er a n d Serial Numbe r wit h all re q uests for parts or service . S p ecificatio n s a n d price c h ange privileges reserved . Copyrig h t c 1976 by Te k tro n ix, Inc ., Beaverto n , O r egon . P rinted in t h e U nite d States of America . All rig h ts reserved . Contents of t h is pu blication may n ot be reproduced in any form wit h out permission of Te k tronix, Inc . U .S .A . an d foreig n Te k tronix products covered by U .S . and foreign patents and/or p atents p en d ing . T EK T R O N IX is registered tra d emar k of Te k tronix, Inc. TA BLE O F CO N T EN TS OPER ATI NG INST RU CTIO N S TABLE OF CO N TEN TS SE CTIO N 1 O PERATI NG I NF ORM ATIO N Page 1-1 FI RST TIME OPERATIO N Calibratio n Ch ec k 1-3 R ea d out 1-3 Beam F inder 1-3 Extern al Inte nsity Input 1-3 1-3 GENER AL OPER ATI N G I NF ORM ATIO N Display Focus 1-3 Trace Alig n me n t Ad justme nt 1-4 Beam Finder 1-4 R eadout (Wor ks Only W it h 5400-Series Plug-In U nits) 1-4 Option 3, Exter nally P rogrammed Sevent h an d E ig hth R ea dout Words 1-4 Display Switc h i ng L ogic 1-4 Vertical Dis p lay Mo d e 1-5 1-5 - Operatio n R aster Display 1-6 Inte n sity M odulation 1-6 Calibrat

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