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Now downloading free:Advantest T074 - JFET OP-Amps

Advantest T074 - JFET OP-Amps free download

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TL071, TL071A, TL071B, TL072 TL072A, TL072B, TL074, TL074A, TL074B LOW-NOISE JFET-INPUT OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS SLOS080J - SEPTEMBER 1978 - REVISED MARCH 2005 D Low Power Consumption D Low Noise D Wide Common-Mode and Differential Vn = 18 nV/Hz Typ at f = 1 kHz Voltage Ranges D High Input Impedance . . . JFET Input Stage D Low Input Bias and Offset Currents D Internal Frequency Compensation D Output Short-Circuit Protection D Latch-Up-Free Operation D Low Total Harmonic Distortion D High Slew Rate . . . 13 V/s Typ . . . 0.003% Typ D Common-Mode Input Voltage Range Includes VCC+ description/ordering information The JFET-input operational amplifiers in the TL07x series are similar to the TL08x series, with low input bias and offset currents and fast slew rate. The low harmonic distortion and low noise make the TL07x series ideally suited for high-fidelity and audio preamplifier applications. Each amplifier features JFET inputs (for high input impedance) coupled with bipolar output stages integrated on a single monolithic chip. The C-suffix devices are characterized for operation from 0

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