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Now downloading free:HYT HYT TC-500 RDA Two-way radio sm

HYT HYT TC-500 RDA Two-way radio sm free download

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File name:HYT_TC-500_RDA_Two-way_radio_sm.pdf
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Model:HYT TC-500 RDA Two-way radio sm 🔎
Original:HYT TC-500 RDA Two-way radio sm 🔎
Descr: HYT TC-500 RDA HYT_TC-500_RDA_Two-way_radio_sm.pdf
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File name HYT_TC-500_RDA_Two-way_radio_sm.pdf

Contents 1. Introduction ...1 2. Product Controls ...2 3. Software Specifications ...5 4. Circuit Description ...9 5. CPU Pins ...16 6. Parts List 1 ...19 7. Tuning Description ...28 8. Troubleshooting Flow Chart ...38 9. Disassembly and Assembly ...41 10. Exploded View ...45 11. Parts List 2 ...46 12. Packing Guide ...49 13. PCB View...50 14. Level Diagram ...52 15. Block Diagram ...53 16. Schematic Diagram ...54 17. Specifications ...57 Copyright Information HYT is the trademark or registered trademark of Hytera Communications Co., Ltd. (the Company) in PRC and/or other countries or areas. The Company retains the ownership of its trademarks and product names. All other trademarks and/or product names that may be used in this manual are properties of their respective owners. The product describes in this manual may include the Company's computer programs stored in m

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