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Now downloading free:Advantest TMS99C14APEL - GPIB to RS232 Converter

Advantest TMS99C14APEL - GPIB to RS232 Converter free download

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10th ICALEPCS Int. Conf. on Accelerator & Large Expt. Physics Control Systems. Geneva, 10 - 14 Oct 2005, PO2.047-4 (2005) GPIB TO SERIAL CONVERTER Y. Suzuki, K. Agari, M. Ieiri, Y. Katoh, E. Hirose, M. Minakawa, H. Noumi, Y. Sato, H. Takahashi, M.Takasaki, K. H. Tanaka, A. Toyoda, Y. Yamada, Y. Yamanoi, and H. Watanabe KEK-IPNS, Tsukuba, Japan ABSTRACT In recent years, many PCs and devices with serial communication interface have been adopted in the lower layer of Accelerator control systems. By the reason of the simplicity, reliability, and the low cost, the device with serial communication interface will be utilized more and more in accelerator control systems and physics experimental facilities. As a solution of the method for connecting a large number of devices with one PC, a GPIB to serial converter has been developed. The converter is equipped with RS-485 transceiver. The transmitter and receiver are automatically being switched according to the GPIB commands (talker, listener, EOI). With this converter, 32 RS485 devices can be controlled through one GPIB node on a multi-drop serial line with maximum length of 1200m. The communication with serial devise is similarly carried out of the device message of GPIB communication. As one GPIB controller can be connected directly with 15 GPIB to serial converters, so the number of connected serial devices becomes 480. For even higher demand to connect devices to one controller, combinations of the GPIB address converter (presented ICALEPCS2001) and GPIB bus-extender can be used. With this, the maximum number of devices connectable to one controller extends to about 28 thousand. The GPIB to serial converter and GPIB address converter will be used for surveillance of the utility and cross-checking of magnet power supplies in the J-PARC experimental facilities. Devices are controlled through GPIB PC Serial Line: RS-485 GSC Address 1 Pressure Gauge Flow Meter Thermometer ID 1 ID 2 ID 3 Serial Line: RS-485 GPIB GSC 999.9 999.9 999.9 999.9 999.9 Address 2 Remote control and monitor of meter relay interlock system Serial Line: RS-485 GSC 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.

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